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Chapter 31

Next day Landon got up all grinning and happy. He chirped happily and took a shower.
After getting ready he went to Hope's room to see and set his evil plan in motion.

On the other hand,
In Hope's room
(an hour ago)

After a long time Hope finally woke up. Rubbing her eyes she got up to see a wonderful view.
The view made her heart lurch.

Clarke was sleeping peacefully on a chair beside her bed,and his hands were clutching her hand tightly.
Like if he releases his hold Hope would disappear.

And her friends were sleeping weirdly around the room. In a corner Lizzie and MG slept cozily.. snuggling MG..........Lizzie had her head on MG's shoulder and MG's hand wrapped around her.

Other end there was Penelope and Josie spooning......with Josie being the big spoon.

In the middle Kaleb slept like a spider, spreading all his limbs out.
Hope giggled seeing her friends' states.
They looked so cute.

Suddenly she felt someone watching her. Turning her head she met with the person's eyes who she fell in love with.... Clarke.
He was now awake and looked at her with an unreadable expression. Hope tried to initiate a conversation but Clarke turned his face.

He just muttered......wake your friends up. Today is the biggest day of our life. Every problems that you have faced is gonna go away. So you should be get going.
Hope sighed but followed what he said.

She woke her friends up.
They discussed their plan and their respective parts in it once again. Finally everyone nodded and understood what they have to do today to make things right again.

Josie was a bit upset, but she had Penelope standing by her. She knew that she was going to be alright.

They talked and had set their misunderstandings aside

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They talked and had set their misunderstandings aside. More like they made up everything that was wrong with them.
Josie was happy finally.

Everyone was talking and chatting with everyone. Even Clarke joined the conversation time to time. Making snide and snarky comments, being the sassy pants he was.
Hope looked at him fondly. She liked this. She wanted this in her life. Her closest people sitting together near her, everyone's happy. Everything looks normal. But they didn't know what will happen next.

Present -

Hope was enjoying her morning. She couldn't hide her irritation when Landon entered the room. She glared at him, but chose not to say anything because she thought he was not even worth her irritation or reaction. She stole subtle glance at Clarke and found him looking at her worried.

She smiled and nodded

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She smiled and nodded. Clarke turned away instantly. That pained her. But she didn't show. She knew that she loved him and she loved him hopelessly. She also felt Clarke was in dilemma. He was fighting with himself. Something was off about the way he acted towards her.

Landon was surprised to see Penelope. But chose to ignore it ,yet again. He went near Hope's bed and sat close. Josie sighed and Penelope held her pinky finger to calm her.
Lizzie was cursing under her breath, she hated Landon.
Suddenly Lizzie's eyes darted at Clarke, oh boy!!!!His expression amused her. Clarke looked so jealous. He clenched his chair's handle so tight that his knuckles turned white. He was giving Landon death glares. Only if looks could kill, the immortal Phoenix would be dead and buried by now. Lizzie smiled to herself and thought how hopelessly he loves Hope but that idiot doesn't realize it. How can someone be so oblivious to his feelings??? Lizzie snorted at the thought.
But didn't say anything about it.

Landon was talking non stop about what his plan was. He would push Clarke into MALIVORE and then everything will turn to normal.

What he didn't say was he's not gonna push Clarke he was gonna kill him. He said I will take my brother to my father.
As we need to talk.
A family talk is needed now.
So I will take him.

Hope just rolled her eyes and said....

I know Landon you said this same thing for like 100 times. So take him and leave. Am still not recovered I need to rest so please take him and all of you leave.
Let me be alone in peace so that I can heal properly.

The moment Hope completed what she was saying, Landon felt a stinging sensation near his neck rubbing his hand he realised it was drops of blood.
He stood up and panicked, but before he could say anything more. MG came in front of him and started apologizing. Landon gave him a confused look.

So MG explained.....
Sorry man I was just coming in for a group hug but my bracelet came in contact with your neck and it scratched you. I am so so sorry man.

Landon looked at him....and nodded in understanding.
Then he perked up again and held Clarke's chains and told the others.....

Hey guys am gonna go take my brother to my father and push him into him. So that everything ends. For real this time.
None of the people in the room said anything. They just nodded.

Landon dragged Clarke out of the room. Just before exiting Clarke looked back to see Hope.
Hope eyes were watery. She was on the verge of breaking down.

Clarke just looked away ignoring the pang that he felt in his heart. Seeing Hope like that broke his heart but he knew he had to do this for Hope. He couldn't bear to see his strong TRIBRID cry. So he averted his gaze from Hope.
He accepted that he loved her more than anything. But refused to say it out loud. As he thought he was not worthy enough for Hope.
He shook off his feelings and followed Landon out.

Landon pulled Clarke to the forest and called Alyssa Chang. After few minutes she came in and they started walking towards the MALIVORE ditch.
What Landon didn't knew was they weren't the only ones out in the forest.

Once they reached the ditch. Landon looked at Clarke and smirked and said.....

Soooooo my big bad brother.....
I guess I am the one who's gonna be with Hope. Not you.
She doesn't deserve someone like you.
A weak and pathetic man.

Clarke growled and said ......
You wanna kill me right??? Then do it fast I don't wanna die listening to your rambling. So shut up and do it.

Landon took out a knife and Alyssa gave him a smirk. But before anything he could do ......

The knife went flying out of his hand and stuck in a tree and Alyssa was pulled back with an invisible force and was bound to a tree with a magical rope.
Landon look astonished when he saw the person who did all this was ...........
None other than.......


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