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Chapter 20

Hope and Landon went to sit near the lake..... Landon was fumbling with his fingers. He was nervous to talk....he didn't know what to say.... where to start.....
Hope cleared her throat.....
She said..... Look Landon.....we need to be practical now. I know you have your memories back.....but you are with Josie....things are getting pretty confusing......I understand that.

Landon said...... It's just overwhelming that's it. We shared an epic love.....but what I feel for Josie I know it's's beautiful..... He then smiled remembering the moments he had with Josie.

 He then smiled remembering the moments he had with Josie

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Hope put her hand on his shoulder

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Hope put her hand on his shoulder.....she said....
Hey it's ok to have feelings.....I adore how cute you guys look together..... I won't come in the way.......
Landon was shocked to hear it.....he said  ...... What are you talking about....????
I just remembered I shared a bond with can I give up on that???

Hope smiled she said..... that's past Landon..... that's ancient history now. you have Josie I strongly believe you two belong together.
Landon was irritated..... He can you say that???
I am ready to give up on Josie ...... Just let us be together.
I know I cannot leave you once I have remembered what we had. He came forward and held Hope...... repeating the same words over and over.
Hope was uncomfortable in his arms......but tried hard not to show.......Hope calmly reminded him.....Landon stop acting weird..... because we both know we had something but it was never a relationship....... And now you have Josie so go ahead be happy..... US....we are not meant to be together.
Landon was beyond frustrated. He said whatever you are's wrong. .... I know you are doing this to make Josie don't have to sacrifice for her.......
Then he kissed Hope forcefully......for a moment Hope was lost.....then she pushed Landon harshly.....and shouted what the hell?????

Now Hope was losing her temper.....
She composed herself and said..... firmly....
Landon.....never dare to do that again......if you do........i will break every bone in your body.......and you know I can really do that.......and listen what we had was a stupid's nothing like epic love. What you and Josie have that's love....

(at least her love is real enough. I really doubt you know...... Hope thought this......but didn't say anything)

Not what we shared.....
I now know what epic love feels like.....what love truly is.....
Landon's eyes widen.....he said you are in love??? With who???
Hope replied ...... It's none of your business Landon just know that we were not together and we will never be.
Landon sighed in resignation and nodded.....he said....fine if that's what it is. I should better get going.....I need to talk to Josie.

Landon went to Josie's room.....

There he sat beside her and said

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There he sat beside her and said.....
Josie was nervous.....she thought that Landon was there to break up with her.
But Landon suddenly kissed her.
He said ...... Were you uncertain?? Were you nervous about me not choosing you.???? Josie just nodded. Landon Josie never doubt me.... I will always choose you over anyone else. I love you.
Josie was beyond happy she jumped on Landon and said I love you too.
After talking for a few minutes Landon got up and said I probably should go back to my room it's kinda late. He kissed her and went out of the room.
On his way.....
He thought....I am going to get you back Hope Mikelson. No one rejects one. With a sinister smile he went to his room to plot his next line of work.

On the other hand JOSIE was finding Hope.....after looking for her in every room she decided to go out to the garden to find her......
There she saw Lizzie and Hope was talking animatedly.

There she saw Lizzie and Hope was talking animatedly

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She walked up to Hope and hugged her..... Hope was taken aback....she said....hey what's up???
Josie said thank you....thank you so much for your help. I never imagined that Landon will chose me over you.....thank you for making him understand. Hope and Lizzie shared a confusing look....but Hope signalled Lizzie to play along.....
After babbling about Landon Josie left.
Lizzie asked Hope .....
What the hell was that???! What is that mophead planning???
(Lizzie was pissed as she knew about the conversation that Hope and Landon had)
Hope just said let's hope it is nothing..... because am not going to ruin Josie's happiness and neither are you.
Lizzie didn't say anything she just hugged and walked away.

Hope stood under the starry sky...... closing her eyes.
She was replaying her moments with CLARKE.
She sighed and am I supposed to hate that bastard when I love him so much.....???

Sighing she returned to her room...... oblivious to the fact and the danger that was lurking in the shadows and darkness.

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