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The lights were off so I assumed they weren't home. I walked to the door when I saw Hannah coming out. "Hey An!" She smiled and I smiled back. "Did you find your mate?" She asked and I shook my head. "Congrats! Who is he? Whoever he is, he is nothing compared to mine." She replied. "I found my mate and you must have heard." She asked and I nodded. "Congrats." I gave her a tight lipped smile. "So where are you going?" I asked. "Dad has organized dinner with Nick so I was going there. Do you wanna join? Even though Dad won't approve. I can help you." She spoke. "No it's fine. I have plans." I lied again. "Okay then enjoy." She replied and left.

I switched on the lights and walked to my room. I flopped on my bed. Chris is my mate. Then what about Nicholas? Why did I feel the that he was my mate? Maybe my wolf got confused as they were twins. My wolf wanted to go on a run so I walked to the nearby forest. I shifted into my white wolf and began to run.

It was crescent moon. Almost looked like a full. I stopped by the lake. I slowly dipped my paw slowly in the cold water. I felt another wolf nearby. I turned and saw a big black wolf walk to me. It had red eyes. Alpha. I suddenly smelled chocolate.

"Chris?" I mind linked. He didn't reply and came closer. He came and nudged my neck softly. I nudged back feeling the warmth.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier." He sounded sad.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted." I replied and he looked into my eyes.

"You are Beta Harry's daughter?" He asked identifying me due to the color of my eyes.

"Yes. Please don't push me away." I replied moving closer to him.

"Why would I do that? You are my one and only mate." He rested his head on my stomach rubbing softly.

"It's just people always push me away and have always liked my sister." I replied rubbing his stomach.

"So you are the daughter Harry never talked about. But I swear you are the most beautiful wolf and human I've ever seen." He replied nudging my mouth with his.

I just nudged him back. "So aren't your family supposed to be celebrating?" He asked.

"They are celebrating." I sighed softly.

"Without you?" He sounded angry.

"It's fine. They aren't that fond of me." I replied trying to calm him.

"Let's go to your house then. We both can celebrate." He smriked making me blush.

I ran towards my house and felt him follow me. I hopped into my room's window entering my room. Soon he came in too. My room suddenly felt small due to his presence.

"You can change I'll be outside." I spoke walking out of the room.

"You can stay." He replied and my heart beats raised. I heard him laugh. I quickly walked out. I walked to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I walked back to my room and saw him waiting for me in my little towel that barely covered anything.

"I'll get you Richard's pajamas." I replied and walked to Richard's room. I picked some pajamas that looked new and unused. "Here." I handed them to him. I turned around letting him put them on. "I'll wait downstairs." He walked out and I quickly put on a pink tshirt and dark blue high waist shorts. I tied my hairs into a ponytail and walked down.

"So shall we cook or order takeout?" He asked. "I'm a bad cook so we should order takeout." I replied sitting next to him. He wrapped his hands around my shoulders pulling me closer. "You smell like strawberry." He spoke. "And you smell like chocolate." I replied smiling. He kissing my lips softly before ordering pizza and coke.

"So when are your parents coming back?" He asked. "Not before midnight." I replied and he nodded. "Netflix?" I asked and he nodded. "We should go to my room." I replied standing up. We walked to my room. He made himself comfortable on my bed as I switched on some random movie. I heard a knock on the door. "Maybe pizza's here." I walked down with my card.

I opened the door and froze. "Mate!"

Our Luna | Short story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now