Chapter 4 the battleship and the milerk queen

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Scribe: Who this?

Y/n: Its knight y/n here. Can you I report of something off in the distance, like something big.

Scribe: Oh I see. I will report this to maxson immediatel.

Y/n: Excellent.

Time skip brought to by y/n flirting with female brotherhood members. You make to the base as you get to as you then exit the suit you make your way to meeting we're maxson and captains Kells and a few others are waiting.

Maxson: Good to see knight, now what we're doing before saw this...ship.

Y/n: Well I was just exploring the commonwealth collecting any valuables I could, and as I came to the harbor I saw something glimmering far off in the distance, I couldn't tell what it was but I assumed it was a ship of some sort, I mean what be that far out and that big. So that's what have to report.

Kells: So I assume you want a scout team to go to this...thing you saw.

Y/n: Yes captain kells

Paladin: I don't know what happens if you lose the recon team?

Y/n: A risk I that I will blame my self for.

Maxson: Hmm...I think we can spare a vertibird ,can we? The council look at each other nod in agreement.
Alright we will give you a recon team and vertibird to go to this object you saw. Ad Victorian knight.

Y/n: Ad Victorian.

Time skip. After a few hours you are now ready to go on the scouting mission your power armor fixed even a laser rifle.

 After a few hours you are now ready to go on the scouting mission your power armor fixed even a laser rifle

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You then are approached by three women one in power armor.

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Welcome to the apocalypse.(  Male reader x fallout 4 )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora