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KIM SEUNGMIN was not in a good mood.

to be fair, he rarely was. he guessed it was probably in his genes, as a phoenix. but that specific day he was in a particularly bad mood. which meant bad news for whoever got on his nerves, which wasn't exactly hard. all you had to do was look at him in the wrong way or speak in his direction.

"hey, seungmin!"

he frowned, hand curling into a fist at his side and squeezing as the familiar voice of han jisung pierced his ears. goddamnit, he really wasn't in a good mood.

"what?" he spat when jisung caught up to him, eyes blazing with a warning that the human didn't seem to catch. he looked completely unfazed, bright, pearly smile sparkling in the sunlight that was drifting in through the window that morning.

"i just wanted to see how you're doing", he replied, still smiling that annoying smile. "since we're teammates and all. i figure i should check up on you occasionally."

"i'm fine", seungmin replied coldly. he began to walk off but jisung followed, rendering his tactic useless. he felt sparks crawling through his veins.

"that's great! i'm doing good too. hey, i just wanted to tell you that you're a great pitcher! i bet we'll do great this year with you on the team!"

"i know i'm a good pitcher", seungmin muttered. "i've been playing for ten years."

"holy cow!", jisung shouted, hand fisting at his hair while his eyes widened with surprise. "that's a long time!"

seungmin didn't say anything. what was the point? apparently nothing he said would get rid of this idiot.

"maybe we can practice together sometime?", jisung suggested. seungmin was quick to shake his head.

"i don't meet with people outside of school."

"why not?", jisung asked. seungmin clenched his fist tighter, trying to suppress the urge to shoot fire from his palms.

"because i don't." he finally turned to face jisung, stopping suddenly. the human slid to a stop, eyes wide. seungmin towered over him, using his height to his advantage. "now stop following me. you're annoying."

"you...think i'm annoying?", jisung asked softly, eyes brimming with tears that only made him more annoying. seungmin rolled his eyes.

"yes. goodbye."

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song; all my dogs by sam truth

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