Accidental Fame Part 3

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The gawking had stopped the next day. I wasn’t constantly stared at. Relieved, I could enjoy school. School wasn’t that bad, I got to see all my friends and the classes weren’t that bad. I didn’t know why kids complained a lot. I could only imagine what stress I’d encounter in college. I wasn’t excited to depart high school heaven, but it was inevitable. One thing for sure was that I didn’t need to depart from Ian. I would always have him to go to and he with me. Even if we were miles away, nothing skype couldn’t fix. It wouldn’t be as good as having him in person, but it would do. I know that one day we would be together again, I hope. I pushed away the thoughts of leaving. I had many more months to worry about that. Today, my biggest worry was getting more people to eat at Rusty’s.

I hadn’t come up with any ideas on how to boost our business. I knew we had to get rid of our tacky uniforms. One thing I learned in business class, Sex sells. I wasn’t into the whole sex appeal kind of thing, but Roy was and he ordered new uniforms. I was afraid to see what he ordered. Roy even got a juke box and colored lights to give the place “pazazz”. I for one didn’t want to be wearing skimpy outfits and have disgusting men look at me. If it was necessary, I would quit. Ian liked the idea. He pitched it actually. I wanted to wring his neck when he did. He just chuckled. Now I didn’t want to go to work after school. I didn’t want to see what Roy had bought.

The final bell rang. I groaned. I was dreading to attend work. As I left the class room, I caught sight of Ian. He was walking with Max. They were talking. I got glimpses of their conversation. “Dude, you so have the hots for her. It’s written on your face. Too bad she’s oblivious to you, like how you are to every single girl here.” Max said, nudging Ian on the arm. I wondered who they were talking about. Ian never told me he had the “hots” for someone, as Max said. “Whatever man.” Ian said. I wanted to keep eavesdropping but they suddenly stopped and I walked into them.  Ian turned and caught me before I could face plant.

“Hey Al.” Max said. He had a big grin on his face. “Hey guys.” I said as Ian steadied me. “Hey Captain. Aren’t you heading to work?” he said. I scowled. “Thanks a lot for changing the uniform.” I said. Ian smiled. “Hey, Roy asked me for advice last night.” He said. “And the best you could give was Sex Sells?!” I said. He chuckled. “Hey it’s true. But don’t worry. It won’t be bad. It’s actually pretty nice. I like it.” He said. “You saw it?” I said. “Yea. I help pick it. You were too busy taking orders.” He said. “ugh. I hate you.” I said. He just smiled. I checked my watch and groaned. I had to dig out. “See you at 8:30.” He smirked. “Yea yea.” I said and walked away.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I said, looking in the worker’s lounge mirror. The uniform was a navy blue skirt that was  mid-thigh and ruffled with a petty coat underneath. The top was a white sailor top that stopped an inch over the skirt. It was plain white with gold buttons running down. There was a matching navy scarf that was to be tied around the neck. We were required to bun our hair at the bottom of our head. Then there was the navy blue sailor hat with gold accents. Lastly there was the white knee socks with two navy stripes at the top. I looked something of a baseball player and sailor. I hated Ian. It wasn’t as revealing as I’d thought it would be, but the skirt was a little short.  I sighed and began my shift.

As my shift went on, there were a lot of looks and comments of the new uniform. The customers liked it a lot and liked the juke box playing in the background. Work went smoothly, it was a little busy, but time flew by. By the time I knew it, Ian was at his usual spot. He smiled widely as he saw me. “Wow. I made a good choice.” He said. “Yea yea.” I said. I couldn’t talk much because more customers came in.

As my shift ended, Ian and I ate out as usual and we went home. I did my homework and we skyped for a while. It was a routine, wake up, skype with Ian, breakfast with Ian, school, work, dinner with Ian, and then skype with Ian again. It has always been that way since we got computers. Before then we’d talk on the phone till we fell asleep.

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