Accidental Fame Ch. 6

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6. Aly

I ran out the door and on to the busy sidewalk. I tried to find Ian. I was pretty sure it was him. But before I could spot him, he was gone, almost as if he wasn't actually there.

I stood in the middle of the side walk. Unable to move. Did my lack of communication with Ian trigger hallucinations? I didn't think so.

I didn't go back inside of the ice cream store. I didn't feel like talking to Aaron. I also didn't feel like doing my commercial for shoes. I was starting to notice that I was getting booked more and more after each ad that was printed.

I was a bit nervous for the commercial like I would be for a shoot, but thank goodness I didn't have any lines.

I sighed and went to the studio. I wanted to get this shoot over with. I wasn't feeling my best. I couldn't shake the feeling that it was Ian who passed by the ice cream store. Something in my gut feeling was saying that it was.

I focused on what I had to do for the commercial. It was simple. Walk in the promoted sandals. We quickly did the shoot and finished late at night.

I took a cabbie home. I walked down to the front steps. And there, sitting on the front steps was a hooded figure playing with his phone. I was used to seeing someone sitting on the steps cause I shared the building.but it was still unnerving. I hesitantly walked up the steps. I was almost at the door when the hooded person said "I wait for you for hours and you're not gonna give your best friend a hug?"I stopped. I knew that voice. "Ian?" I turned and Ian was standing in front of me. I almost collapsed at the sight of him. He was the same looking. Tears filled my eyes. "how's my captain?" he smiled. I gave him a big hug. I didn't let go. "why didn't you tell me you were gonna be here?" I said. I was still tearing. I was so happy to see him. "al, if i told you, it wouldnt be a surprise." he said. He was still hugging me. "I hate you." I chuckled. "no you don't. Let's go in and catch up." he said. I reluctantly let go of him. I was afraid he'd disappear.

"so what brings you to California?" I asked him as we sat in the living room. "well, I got this interview here and if it turns out well, I get to intern. What's new with you captain?" he said. I couldn't stop staring at him. "that's great! I hope you get it! Oh nothing much really. Just been working. Doing shoots. I just filmed a commercial today." I said. "aw look at my Aly bear, so grown up and becoming a star." he smiled. "not even. I'm not becoming a star." I said. "oh yes you are. I've seen all your ads. All good by the way. Star potential." he said. "sure sure. Anyways. How come we haven't been Skyping anymore?" I said. "I know I miss you so much. It's hard with you working and me working and going to school. Also it's almost winter break and if I get the internship I'll be here the whole three weeks of break." he said. I smiled. "I know you're gonna get it." I assured him. "well I hope so." he said.

"so you're still my prom date right?" Ian said. I smiled. "of course. When is it?" I said. I really did want to go to prom. "February 14th. I know cheesy . On valentines day." he said. "wow. Yea that is. We'll not wear red, I tell ya that." I said. "so how long are you here for?" I added. "till tomorrow night. I have class the next day." he said. I frowned. "that's so short. But I'm glad that I get to see you." I said. "I'm glad I get you see you Captain." Ian gave me a genuine smile.

We stayed up pretty late, talking and catching up. Ian didn't want to tell me what he was interning for. I was So curious, but he didn't budge. I had to let it go.

The next day, Ian and I ate at Pinks. I had a photo shoot in the morning and Ian was tagging along. He said he wanted to see what I did and what it felt like to be in a shoot.

We took couple shots of just me and him for fun.

After the shoot we went for a walk. "that was fun. Can't believe you do that everyday." Ian said. "yea, all thanks to you." I said. Which was true. If Ian hadn't won the best photo, Matthew wouldnt of saw my picture on the schools website. "hey you were the one who was incredible during the shoot that day." he said. "you thought I was incredible?" I smiled. "I always have." he smiled. Ian stopped walking and out of nowhere pulled me into a kiss. It was bizarre to know I was kissing Ian, my childhood best friend, and yet it felt right. It wasn't just a peck, it was a real kiss that lasted for what seemed like a long time. But of course it wasn't. My phone decided to ring and I it was my mom's ringer. I didn't want to answer it but Ian pulled away. "you should get that." he said.

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