You're still my friend

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I am not made for anyone,

And no one is made for me.

I love you and you love me,

These are old things, anymore, which doesn't haunt me.

You were my friend first,

Then, in me, why came the thirst?

Don't I seem true to you,

Don't you like me too?

No, you don't indeed, I think,

Everything went away in just a blink.

Would you be my friend again?

Did it feel like a heavy pain?

Let's be friends once more,

I think, this time it would be better for sure.

No, you don't want to, that's fine,

I know you know that I am not liein'.

Should I say something in grief?

Would you listen to me in brief?

"I am sorry" would my first sentence,

The last one would be a little intense.

Should I speak any more?

No, I won't, I will now let you explore.

Should you care to talk,

Come to me I'll be there and we will take a walk.

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