It's not about you

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It's not about you that I don't talk to you anymore,

It's not about you that we don't hangout with each other anymore.

Rather it's about me.

Let me be free, let me find the key.

The questions that lurk in my mind are vast,

Be a good friend and let me go at last.

It's mot about you that I don't tag along anymore,

It's not about you that I don't reach out to you anymore.

Rather it's about me.

Let me take time to shine.

The questions will be finally answered,

The mind will at last be stable which often wandered.

It's not about you that we have fallen apart,

It's not about you that life take turns and memories depart.

Rather it is the way life is.

Let us take more time and console ourselves.

People will come and go,

There is nothing about it that we can do.

It's not that that I don't miss you,

It's not that I don't want talk to you.

It's just that it's not about you.

Rather it was more about me.

It is always hard to say goodbyes,

But they are important because life doesn't stop by.

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