Chap. 20

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Chap. 20

D’ante' called her that evening, confirming their date. Kyla smiled at first when she heard from him but was soon overwhelmed by her guilt from also being with Cornelius. Well, that was over with, so it didn't matter. Or did it?

Kyla fell asleep the instant after she had a hot shower, dressed in clean clothes and her head hit her pillow. The next day when she looked outside of her apartment window, she was surprised to see a snowflake fall to the ground gracefully.

She took a brief shower, brushed her teeth then put a Jimmy Dean bacon egg and cheese biscuit in the microwave. She took a quick glance at her father’s notebook sprawled out on the kitchen counter. She hadn’t once opened it, but right now, she could use some help.

She grabbed the brown notebook and ran her hand casually over the sleek cover. Engraved in it, it said, ‘Remember’. Kyla didn’t exactly know what it meant, but right then, she really wanted to remember something about her father. She didn’t know what he looked like, what his smile was like or even his last name. She knew his first name, D’ante' because the pastor’s son, her current if boyfriend, was named after him. They had been best friends, before he fled.

Kyla opened the notebook and noticed a small compartment inside of the cover. A thick envelope was wedged inside. Kyla decided to read her father’s small print on the first few pages of the notebook before examining further.

 Dear Kyla,

I’ve always wondered what you looked like as if today. If you have the beautiful features of your mother or my lopsided smile. Kyla, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you throughout your life. Something every girl needs is an overprotective loving father, and I wasn’t there to fulfill that. I was a coward. Maybe I should tell you the story, but first in the envelope is money. The child support I haven’t paid, and a little extra for your birthday.

Kyla pulled out the envelope and gingerly opened it. Inside was 300 dollars in cash, and 500 in a check. Kyla quickly calculated the total sum in her head, it was definitely enough to buy new clothes, school supplies, and even upgrade her room. She quickly put the money back in the envelope, reminded herself not to put her hopes to high in the sky and read the note inside.

For my favorite daughter ~ and my only one, there was a beautiful necklace inside as well. It was gold, Kyla wasn’t fool enough to think it was pure, but it was pretty darn close. Her thoughts returned to the entry in the journal and she read it.

I was the associate pastor and Pastor Jenkins right hand man, and best friend. Things were great, wonderful, but even better when the beautiful Puerto Rican Maria Santiago walked into the church. It was like a sunset lasting forever, she was too beautiful, so untouchable. I had to try and get her, before anyone else did. At the time, we all had to be at least 21, the pastor 30 at the most. At first, I got through her with friendship. We became best friends, connected by the hip, until one day she came running into my house, tears running down her beautiful face. I consoled her as she told me about her break up with some man named Carl. I don’t know if she realized it that night at the exact time I did. But I loved her. So I took a chance and kissed her. It was the most magical night of my life.

Maria and I had been going out for at least 3 months when she announced her pregnancy to me. I was terrified. Very. What would this do to my reputation at the church? It was too late for a wedding, by then it would be obvious she was pregnant. I needed a fast and easy solution. So I fled. I had thought of going back for the longest, because my heart ached for my Maria. I wanted to propose to her, to marry her and raise our child, no matter what my church said.  I returned a month later, but Maria was in another man’s arms. She was safe, and happy. It was Carl. I should’ve gone back, should’ve apologized to my Maria. But she never called, and I became discouraged. I bought a new house in another town; I got a new job, a new life. I forgot all about my little girl until a letter came to my new house, 8 months later. It was from Maria, of course. I didn’t know how she learned of my address, and I was again going through heartbreak as I imagined her comfy in Carl’s hands. The letter read:

Dear D’ante',

I understand why you left. Maybe it wasn’t meant for us to be with one another. I have had my child on November 1st, of this year. She is a beautiful little girl named Kyla Isabella Santiago. I don’t want you to visit, but if you care to send letters, send it to this address. The church has excluded me. I think they have also come to the conclusion that you are the father. I only hope my little m'ija has a better future than I. D’ante', I think it’s best we no longer acknowledge each other. Enclosed in this letter is a picture of my daughter. Goodbye.

I was heartbroken that that was all she had to say to me. And instead of saying ‘our daughter’ she said 'my'. I knew deep inside I never would stop loving my Maria. I still have that picture of you, and I study it every day, wondering how you look today. Write me please. Kyla, you are my only hope.

 I Love You,


Kyla hadn’t even noticed the tears leaking out of her misty eyes. “I love you too, Daddy,” she whispered. The one thing that confused her was Carl. How could Maria be with Carl when she was born if he never was around as Kyla grew up? Never had Maria gone out on a date with Carl. It was surprising to Kyla how he even ever went out with Maria. There was one thing Kyla could do. She needed to go home. To talk to her mother, to learn more. She needed to go that evening. Anyway, she also needed to get the rest of the crap out of her old room to move to Joe's.

~~~Thinking Outside of the Box~~~

Kyla had a date with D’ante' at a cute restaurant by their church. They were supposed to meet there at 5, so Kyla had enough time to do so.

“Daylight savings, can’t go out too late,” D’ante' had said.

Kyla grabbed her purse, her father’s notebook and the envelope of money. She checked the time on her cell phone. 11 am. She walked out, she had several errands to run. She needed to go grocery shopping, stop by Quenton’s, go to that teenage pregnancy group Quenton had coaxed her into trying out, and she her last stop was her mother’s house. By then, she’d probably be out of it, and she needed enough time to get it all done and be well rested and prepped before her date with D’ante'.

Kyla walked to the supermarket down the street first, hoping they would have the food she needed. She checked her grocery list on her phone. She needed several frozen Jimmy Dean’s breakfasts, a couple more packages of Roman, poptarts, and frozen TV dinners. She sighed, she was getting a little tired of packaged food, but it have to do. She didn’t want to use all of the money her father gave her when she needed much more than food.

When she arrived, she was just grabbing her cart when some called her name. “Kyla! Kyla!” She turned around, and her stomach churned. No, no, no.

Anferni and Ramon couldn’t be here. Not now.

When her eyes met two hazel pairs, she froze. She needed to escape. And fast.

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