Rise of the Snakes

Start from the beginning

As Zane spoke the last syllable, Nya came rushing out. "Guys! Lord Garmadon, he's returned!"

Everyone turns to look at her in shock. " He was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village!"

We all gasp, and stumble to get up.

I get up next to Nya and watch as all the boys- ahem....teens struggle to get up. Each of them throwing each other to ground to stand.

I sigh and put my hands on my hips. Nya frowns and narrows her eyebrows at them. I pull my hood over my head and head out, hearing the stutters of a nervous Jay taking husband Nun Chucks from Nya.

We flew our dragons across the sky, looking down at the ground below us. Mystic was my dragon, a dark blue and purple shade covered her smooth scales.

The boys started their own conversation about unlocking their full potential and battling Lord Garmadon, while I simply enjoyed the feeling of the cold breeze against my body.

"Hey, Y/n! Race you guys there!" shouts Cole.

"Oh, you're on. " I challenge.

As we neared Jamanakai Village, Kai decided to call out , " First ninja there wins!"

We all slammed down to the ground, getting off our dragons.

"Ha! I was first!" Yelled out Kai.

"No! No one was faster than me!" Jay corrected.

"My feet were down first!" Says Cole.

"Hey no fair! I definitely landed first!" I claimed.

"You're all delusioned. It was clearly me." says Zane confidently.

We were interrupted by the sounds of screaming from the village.

"Oh dear." I say with nervousness.

All of the villagers run back to their homes, shutting their doors, a huge shadow was cast upon the walls. As the shadow neared, evil cackling was heard.

"Stay sharp fellas. Whatever happens, never let your guard down." Kai warns.

The shadow became smaller and smaller as he rounded the corner.

We all raised our weapons, ready to strike.

When he turned the corner, we lowered our weapons, confusion and relief filled our faces.

A little boy around the age of 11 to 12 came waltzing out. " It is I, Lloyd Garmadon! I demand all the candy in town, or else."

"Lloyd Garmadon?" Jay questions.

"I thought Nya said Lord Garmadon...." I said , tilting my head. " Not this.....kid...."

Cole then made a realization, " It's his son!"

(3rd person pov)

The black ninja sighs. "Looks like he escaped his boarding school for bad boys again. And to think we could've been using our Spinjitzu already." He says with a sad tone.

The boy in a black skeleton hoodie looked at the Imdogo ninja who took off her hood to reveal her face. She shook her messy high ponytail,

( A/N : Cliche enough for you? Me too. 😂 ok I'll go home now... )

definitely catching his attention.

He was interrupted by the other ninja approaching him. Along with other villagers.

"Uh...dyah...g-gimme your candy! Or else I'll release the Serpentine on you!" He warned.

The audience booed. The ninja shook their head, as the girl only soften her expression. The young child then raised some sort of can.

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