Pour Decisions

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It was a Friday night and Holly was bored. Mind numbingly bored. She was also feeling lonely. No one, not even a shy, introverted woman as herself, deserved to feel this way on her birthday. A typical day for Holly consisted of waking up, brewing coffee, going to work, coming home, working out, cooking, eating, cleaning (first her tiny apartment, then herself) and then hitting the hay with the television on. Over and over. And she was sick of it.

One split decision later, and her entire weekend changed. Through some eyes for better and through others for worse.

Halfway through her workout, Holly jolted upright and marched her toned body straight into the shower. Once clean, she dressed herself in her only suitable "going out" outfit and stared at herself nervously in the mirror. A lose fitting, pastel pink crop top hung down just above her belly button, showing off her flat tummy while still creating a sense of security in the way it flowed around her shoulders and chest. Above her hip line rested her white, high waited booty shorts (or at least the shortest pair she owned). She wore off-white heels, cute but easy enough to walk in. Heals were always a must, being only 5'1 it was kind of like a requirement. Holy noticed that her long brown hair was a curly mess, so she tossed it up in a familiar bun, dabbed on some mascara, grabbed her purse and began the walk into town.

Holly had one bar that she felt comfortable in and it was the only one she ever went to. Her friends there would always encourage her to come out, join them, nag her for wearing the same clothes all the time... she doubted any of them would know it was her birthday, but just in case (Holly didn't love all attention in her) she decided to try somewhere new, and turned right into the first place she saw.

It was dark, but not unpleasant inside. The environment was loud and busy but had a level of sophistication to it. Avoiding all eye contact, Holly made her way toward the only seat left in the middle of the bar. She knew she looked anxious, her big brown eyes were opened wide, her lips pursed and she clutched her purse to her stomach with both arms. Sitting down quickly, she let out a little sigh of relief. She had made it to her seat safely- now just a couple drinks and she would work up the courage to strike up some conversation and forget her anxiety.

"Oh, a Whisky Sour, please" she said once the bartender came around to take her order.
"Make that two!" purred a smooth voice to her left. As the bartender nodded, Holly turned her head and found herself staring at a large, broad suited chest. Using only her eyes, she glanced upward and her jaw dropped.

"Mm-Mr. Collins?" she stuttered. He met her worried, doe-eyed look with a quick flash of his side smile "I think Rowan is more appropriate now, wouldn't you agree Ms. Sallow?"
Holly swallowed hard. She hadn't seen Mr. Collins since her freshman year of college, almost four years ago.

She recalled how she had worked for the mysterious gentleman for a brief time. His personal assistant or "lifesaver" as he had called it. Holly had helped him with simple remedial work; household chores, organizing his books, making his appointment and ensuring he got to them.. She had enjoyed the position because she was paid well to keep to herself, mind her own business and work performing takes she found came naturally to her.

"Shy as ever I see, some things just don't change huh" said Mr. Collins with a wink.
"Mr. Colli-"
"Rowan" he interrupted slyly
"I — what are you doing here? Sorry, that sounded rude, I didn't mean to be rude I just... umm.. how're you?" she finally managed to get the words out. Her voice was small and soft. Rowan smiled for real this time. His face was handsome. Green eyes, dark hair, full lips and an almost cleanly shaven face.
"I'm doing well, thank you" after some thought he added "you look lovely, by the way. Pink really suits you."

Holly was blushing. Luckily, the arrival of her drink saved her from having to answer right away. She thankfully grabbed it and took a large sip. And another.

"So what brings you here? I don't recall you ever being one for big crowds?" Rowan was curious, his eyes sharp, but kind, and when he leaned in closer Holly could smell his familiar scent of peppermint and tasteful cologne.
"Honestly?" she replied "I'm forcing myself to do this".
Rowan arched his eyebrows, questioning.
"It's my birthday," Holly whispered
"Pardon hun? You're gonna have to speak up, this is a bar, not my office" his tone was playful and inviting.
"Today is my birthday" Holly said a little louder
"Good grief, happy birthday short stuff!"
Holly hadn't heard anyone call her that since she had moved away from her hometown to pursue an internship opportunity in her sophomore year. She blushed again.
"You know" Rowan said, moving closer. "I missed having you to help me out. I can't believe you just up and left me like that" his voice was playful "And you know what else? I am going to take this opportunity to help you out, for your birthday."

Was he flirting with her? Holly was pretty sure he was, so she did what she always did and froze up. She looked up at him. He was standing, as if he wasn't already tall enough, so it was difficult to meet his eyes. She blushed and looked down again, taking another large sip of her drink. Maybe that was what she needed, because finally she spoke.
"And what exactly is that, huh?" She retorted.
Rowan wet his lips, "there's that sass I remember, even when you're quiet you know I still notice those little sparks about you."

Holly felt as if her whole body was tingling, but she smiled.
"You know, it's rude to ignore someone when they ask you a question." She continued, cocking her head. Maybe it was the drink, or the fact that she had known him for 2 years, but Holly was feeling a little more courageous. Rowan was not her boss anymore, and for the first time she noticed how attractive he really was.
"Drink up" he demanded "and come with me.
So she did.
Rowan left a $50 on the bar for their drinks and led her outside into the warm August night.

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