Claude laughed, "I don't doubt it. I wasn't under the impression it was my personal charm that unified everyone" he said then turned to Byleth "Thanks for that, by the way. I hope you don't feel like I used you... Because I sort of used you" Claude said.

Byleth shook her head, "Don't mention it" she said.

Claude had a slight frown, "I appreciate that. We don't have time to be picky about our methods" he sighed. "But be honest. You're having a hard time adjusting to your new role, aren't you?" Claude asked, "As wielder of The Sword of the Creator, it's undeniable that you're special" he added "I think you should be more confident in yourself and use your position to the fullest" Claude said.

Dimitri glanced over at Byleth, she seemed to be taking Claude's words into account, "Now is hardly the place to be concerning over such things" Dimitri said challengingly to Claude.

By the looks of Claude wasn't in the mood to argue with Dimitri, "Sure Dimitri" he replied and left it at that.

The room was quiet for a moment the tension had grown and the room grew silent waiting to see if Dimitri would lash out on Claude like he did to Byleth during the last moons strategy meeting.

Dimitri felt something coming to rise.


Maybe guilt?

No, he couldn't have those types of emotions anymore not if he wants to rid Edelgard from her head.

Before Dimitri could respond to Claude, Gilbert began speaking most likely as an attempt to change the atmosphere of the room. "We have received some information from our spy" Gilbert said, "It would seem the Empire is gathering troops at Fort Merceus" he added. "This is undoubtedly in response to us taking the Great Bridge of Myrddin" Gilbert said, "Their numbers are more than double ours. We believe that the Emperor herself may be leading them" he said hesitantly while glancing over at Dimitri.

Dimitri sat there quietly, Finally. His chance to take her head has come, he won't fail them now that he is so close.

"The three military forces will be clashing at Grounder Field" Rodrigue stated.

"How fitting that it was the site of the Battle of the Eagle and Lion" Claude said sadly.

Byleth sighed, "Just like five years ago..." she said softly.

Dimitri frowned, he knew she was going to pose a threat at him getting Edelgard's head, he knew what he had to do. "If you wish to indulge in nostalgia, do it elsewhere" Dimitri snapped and Byleth ignored it.

Rodrigue shook his head, "I'm afraid that the difference in military strength is far from negligible. While we are elite soldiers, I am still uneasy about this..." he said.

Gilbert nodded, "If possible, I'd like to request reinforcements right away" he said, "I'll try some of the Kingdom houses that have yet to choose the Empire of Dukedom, for military support" he added. "I suppose that is all we can do for now" Gilbert sighed

"It's hard to believe that this decisive battle will take place at Gronder Field... I imagine that place is full of memories for all of you" Rodrigue said.

"We won the Battle of the Eagle and Lion back in the day. It seems like a lifetime ago..." Mercedes said.

"I can't help but remember even though, I wish I didn't " Ashe sighed.

"Our feast after the battle... I remember it well. We all had so much fun together" Ingrid said sadly.

"No! please stop it" Annette shouted, "I finally put all of that out of my mind..." she added "This isn't right there our friends! We used to study together. We shouldn't be fighting them" she sighed.

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