Part 5.1: Cat and Mouse

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----Reno's POV----

You exit the entrance and walk to the gazebo. Lighting your cigarette before even reaching the path, you inhale. The breeze is chilling but it's not too bad outside today. Nothing a light jacket couldn't fix.

You step into the gazebo and sit down. "Looks like some alone time is in order." You sigh and get yourself comfortable in the corner near the door.

Your favorite spot to hide when the windbreaker is up. So cozy and no onlookers to bug you. The birds chirping outside peacefully. You sit, relaxing your tired muscles. Taking out your phone you check your text messages and scroll through social media.

"Nothing interesting today.." sighing you prop your leg up on the bench and relax.

Hearing the click of heels hit the pavement and slowly growing louder. 'Sounds like I won't be alone much longer' you smell the sweet smell of pears fills your senses.

She steps in. 'Oh hello, gorgeous..'

"Wait.. where is it? I could have sworn I.. oh no.." she looks to be panicking.

'Aww. Little mouse lost something? Guess she hasn't seen me yet..'

Admiring her you stare. The coat wrapped around her body accentuates but hides her curves at the same time.

'Her hair looks perfect. Her legs are so curvy..'

"Yo. Didn't expect to see you here. Forgot something?" You speak to the panicked woman in front of you.

She turns your way. You act like you're watching your phone but you peer over admiring her.

'Is she checking me out?.. oh yeah. Totally checking me out. Wandering eyes their little mouse? Maybe I could show you what's underneath sometime...'

Your mind wanders at what she would look like without clothes.

'That mouth of hers doing.. fuck. Look at her.'

You look up and meet her eyes.

"Oh. Hey Reno. Didn't expect to see you so soon. Um yeah... I kinda lost my lighter." She rubs the back of her head and smiles a bit nervously.

'What a beautiful smile.'

"Didn't know a girl like you smoked." You speak.

'Cuties got an oral fixation too.. mmmm.. got a keeper man. Make. Your. Move.'

She walks closer. "We all have our bad habits I guess." She says.

You chuckle at her response. "Sounds about right." You say.

'I've got another habit right in front of me..' you think to yourself.

You reach your left hand into your pocket and grab your engraved zippo. Opening the top and lighting it up you reach in her direction.

Placing her cigarette in between her lips.

'They look so soft..'

You see her eyes widen a bit as she leans in.

'Gonna have to play with you a bit sweetheart..'

You pull the lighter back to toy with her.

"Hey.." she looks at you and giggles. "No keep away." She smiles.

You smirk and shrug your shoulders. 'Fine. I'll stay still.' She lights her cigarette and takes a deep puff. You stare into her eyes watching her mouth. She pulls back.

'Didn't mean to scare you mouse..' You feel a pang in your chest at the extended distance.

"Thanks." She smiles and laughs.

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