Part 5: Be brave little mouse

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--- (Y/N)'s POV ---

You step through the crowd. Navigating to your exit. Rubbing the sweat from your palms on your jacket, you prepare yourself with a deep breath.

Pushing on the door, you walk outside. Feeling the breeze hit you in a comforting chill. Blanketing your body with the sweet smells of fall. You take in the cool air and straighten your posture.

Your heels click the pavement as you walk. An occasional crunch of the fallen leaves under you sends satisfying waves through your senses. A small breeze blows your hair. You grip your coat tight and round the corner.

The gazebo wasn't what you expected a normal gazebo to look like. It was quite large and had a wind barrier wrapped around it that could be rolled up in the warmer months. This also made it a sort of privacy screen for onlookers. Can't see in. Can't see out. So you wouldn't know who was occupying the place until you entered.

The smell of smoke tingles your senses and prickles at your thoughts. You reach for the cardboard pack in your pocket. Taking out a cigarette in preparation for your small break. You hold it in between your fingers, fidgeting with it as you walk. The birds chirping in the trees surrounding the path. You stare up and admire the sweet music. You take another sip of your coffee. Feeling calm and having your walls lowered for the peaceful moment. You step into the gazebo.

Benches lined the hexagonal area. A heater present in the center and silver ashtrays nailed to the posts. No one in sight. You reach for your lighter. 'Is that cinnamon? I swear I smell..'

"Wait.. where is it? I could have sworn I.. oh no.." you talk to yourself. The run-in you had with Tseng earlier... You must have dropped it somewhere in the foyer. Shit.

Panic sets in. You search your pockets again and sigh upon not finding the one tool you needed.

"Yo. Didn't expect to see you here. Forgot something?" You turn around and see Reno sitting with one leg bent up on the bench, leaning against the corner post, taking a drag of his cigarette, and scrolling his phone. 'Yup cinnamon..'

'He must have seen my panic. Oh, great job (y/n). Way to go. A cluts and now you can add forgetfulness.' You think to yourself.

Turning to look at him. You stare. "Oh. Hey Reno. Didn't expect to see you so soon. Um yeah... I kinda lost my lighter." You smile and rub the back of your head in embarrassment. 'The way he's sitting. His shoulders.. his abs.. his legs.. his... OH GOD, HE'S LOOKING! LOOK UP! LOOK UP!' You scream to yourself as you catch yourself checking him out.

Reno looks up at you with a smile.

'Damnit. Why did you lie? You stalker.. you literally followed him. There's no one else here. You're gonna have to ask. Don't forget what Rude told you.' Your mind races.

"Didn't know a girl like you smoked." He chuckles in return. He motions to you to come over to him while not moving from his spot.

Walking in his direction you play with the cylinder of tobacco in between your fingers. Nervously you say "We all have our bad habits, I guess."

He chuckles at your response. "Sounds about right."

Reaching his left hand into his pocket he grabs an engraved zippo. Opening the top and lighting it up, he extends it in your direction.

You place your cigarette in between your lips. Your eyes widen a bit as you lean in nervously to the offered flame. He pulls the lighter closer to him toying with you.

"Hey.." you stare and giggle. "No keep away."

Smirking, he shrugs and stays still. You light your smoke and take a puff in enjoyment. He stares into your eyes watching your movements. You pull back nervously.

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