Dawn sighed, not that she was surprised he didn't remember what happened last night. "We fell asleep while we were listening to the forest"

Ash smiled, "Oh right"

Serena pulled up her device and began to search up ways for them to reach their next destination of Anistar City, site of Ash's next Gym Battle.

"Well, we show head out and make our way to Anistar City, we have to get over a mountain so we should get going!"

"Alright! I'm going to win my seventh badge!" Ash exclaimed as he stood up with a power pose.

The two older girls laughed at the sight. Classic Ash...


"Aw look at the twerp and the Sinnoh twerpette getting along" laughed Meowth.

Ash and the gang weren't the only ones that were impressed with Dawn and all her achievements. Team Rocket knew that with Ash, they stood no chance of getting Pikachu. They had to craft a perfect plan so they could accomplish their goal. Who knows, maybe they could snatch that Piplup while they were at it.

"We need to strike when the twerps have been separated" smirked James.

Jessie put her binoculars down and clutched her hand. "I was supposed to become Top Coordinator, not her!"


The group had been traveling for a couple of days and had now reached the snowy mountain. The had changed into clothing that fitted the climate better. The group had now had stopped inside a cabin before going on the more dangerous part of their route.

Inside the cabin, there were tens of Manoswine, each with their own stable.

"Look at all the Manoswine!" Dawn was excited, she had never seen so many Manoswine in one place!

The woman working at the cabin explained that until the reached the other side of the mountain, they were required to ride a Manoswine as it was much safer. She had almost explained that either one or two people could ride a Manoswine at a time.

"If I have my own Manoswine, could I ride it instead? I don't want to make an extra Manoswine walk if I have my own. Dawn asked.

"Of course! We can lend you a saddle"

Dawn thanked the woman as she went to go get the extra saddle. She then turned to Serena.

"Serena, will you ride with me?"

Serena was surprised, she was sure that Dawn would want to ride with Ash, "Okay... sure".

It was already established that Clemont would be riding with Bonnie so that left Ash all alone.


The group was riding the Manoswine up the mountain. Clemont, Ash, and Dawn were guiding the Manoswine with Ash leading the pack. They were all really enjoying themselves.

Bonnie was having a particularly fun time. She was riding a new Pokemon! "This is so fun!"

The group laughed and agreed with her.

Pikachu's ears began to stand up tall. He had heard something. "Pika?" He looked around to see where the noise came from. Pikachu then saw that an Abomasnow was walking towards them. He was lower down than the group and he appeared as though he was guarding the cave behind him. He did not look too happy.

"Aboma-snow!" Abomasnow let out a powerful blizzard towards the group which caused them to fall down to the level of the cave.

"Is everyone okay?" Asked Clemont.

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