"Pika-ka, Pi-ka-chu!" Pikachu said as it jumped into Dawn's arms.

"Wow Ash, I know it's been awhile but I didn't think you would forget me completely" teased Dawn as she was petting Pikachu's tail. Then, Pikachu came down and began to talk with the coordinator's partner.

The boy let out a nervous laugh. How could he not know it was Dawn? "I'm sorry Dawn, I would have never expected that you would be here!"

"Well here I am!"

The two laughed in unison and then they exchanged one of their sacred high fives.

"Ahem, Ash, you want to introduce us?" exclaimed Bonnie. She was rather curious about the blue-haired girl. She was very pretty for sure...

"Oh sorry, everyone, this is Dawn, we travelled all through the Sinnoh Region together"

Dawn smiled at the people behind Ash.

"It's really nice to meet you all. I sure hope Ash hasn't been causing too much trouble for you guys"

That confirmed what Bonnie was already thinking. She was nice, very pretty, and even if she was friends with Ash, that means she's a great person too. She got down on one knee and extended her arm out towards Dawn.

"You're a keeper! Won't you please take care of my brother?"

Dawn was certainty not expecting this.

"Take... care?"

His trusty Aipom arm extended out and grabbed a hold of the young girl as Clemont said, "Bonnie! I told you a million times to stop this already!"

He placed the girl behind him.

"Please think about it!" said Bonnie.

The group sighed. While Dawn looked at the machine which grabbed the girl.

"Wow! Did you make that?" asked Dawn. She had never seen anything like it before.

Clemont blushed a little. Each time Bonnie had asked a girl to take care of him and then he took her away, they had never commented on his Aipom arm.

"Yeah, I designed and built it myself, thanks to the power of science!" Clemont said that last part with more confidence.

"That's so cool!" Dawn hunched over to the little girl that was taken away by the machine. "So your name is Bonnie, that's a really pretty name!"

"Thanks! And this is my big brother Clemont"

"and my name is Serena"

Dawn looked towards in the girl and saw how gorgeous her outfit was. She couldn't contain herself.

"Serena! I love your clothes! Did you design them yourself?"

Serena was taken back. She certainly wasn't expecting Dawn to take interest in her clothes. "Yeah I did!"

"Wow! You're really talented! If I ever need help with designs I'll be sure to ask you!" exclaimed Dawn.

The penguin pokemon had enough his trainer not introducing him.

"Pip Piplup!"

Dawn looked down at her partner. She then realized what he was upset about.

"Sorry, this is my trusty partner Piplup!"

Piplup lifted his chest into the air. He had to look his best in front of Ash's new friends and show them how powerful he was.

Bonnie was overjoyed at seeing such a rare Pokemon. "Wow, he's so cute!"

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