"You're the oldest, so of course we'd listen to you," Daichi teased.

I ignored the brown-haired male and stepped into the candy store. I purchased some candies to bring home to Mother Acier and of course, something for (y/n).

We arrived at the place.

"(y/n)!" Rina tapped her shoulder. The (h/c)-haired female was focused on the snow falling. "Your knight in shining armour- well, okay, maybe not shining armour. Your knight in shining glory has arrived."

She looked back at me. "Oh. Hi, guys."

Solid threw his arms around her. "Aw, are you feeling sad, (y/n)? Nozel! Get your ass over here and make your girlfriend smile!"

Nebra pulled our brother off (y/n). "He can't do that if you're on her, Solid boke."

The table reserved for us was big and nothing there screamed 'cheap'.

It was a good thing all of us came from money- although the guys and I agreed to pay for the meal- against the girl's wishes.

"Yuno is thinking about going to Clover Academy," (y/n) announced as we all dipped our bread in the oil and seasoning mix.

"Really?" Shino paused. "Why? Wasn't he thinking of becoming the Student Council President for his class?"

(y/n) shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. Yuno said something about being with his other friends at Clover Academy. He said he didn't feel welcome in Spade Academy anymore."

"Wow." Nebra took a sip of her beverage. "I never would've taken your cousin as someone who likes to be around people."

"He's loyal to his friends," I said. "I've seen him in action at his sports practices. If he's coming to Clover Academy, I'm sure the other sports captains and I will be all fighting for him to join."

"He's planning on finishing middle school at Spade Academy before transferring to Clover Academy for first-year of high school," Rina said. "He announced it on our family group chat last night while (y/n) and Nozel were off getting some food at the light festival again."


"Let's go for a swim!" (y/n) started to strip down. 

"(y/n)! Don't strip!!" Rina screeched as she tried to stop her cousin. "It's great that you and Nozel are together now, but don't show him your body until-"

"Rina, I'm wearing a swimsuit."

She relaxed. "Well, alright. Wait, no!"

"Too late!!" (y/n) threw her shoes and socks near her stuff on the beach and ran into the cold water.

Daichi shook his head. "She's stubborn. It's wintertime and she's thinking about going into the water now?"

"If you can't stop them..." Skyrin and Solid started to strip. "Join them."

"Did you all plan this?!" I watched the others start to strip, revealing their swimsuits.

Rina shrugged. "We originally planned to go to the indoor pool, but it seems (n/n) has other plans."

(y/n) jumped into the water and resurfaced. "I love the cold!!"

"You're all mad!" I watched in horror as they started to swim.

Rina and (y/n) shared a look and got out of the water, running towards me. 

"I suggest you take out any electronics or things you don't want to get wet," Rina smirked deviously.

I threw my phone onto the pile of clothes and they threw me into the water.

I resurfaced, gasping for air just as a wave hit me.

(y/n) swam beside me. "Haha!" Then a wave hit her face.

"Who's laughing now?" I smirked.

We played around in the water for a bit.

Daichi started to tread water and clicked a gear on his waterproof watch.

"Hey, guy! It's one minute to new year's!"

I  suddenly lifted (y/n) into the air. She looked down in surprise. My face was on her collarbone, looking up at me. My arms around her waist. She wrapped her legs around hmy torso.

"Ohoho~" Nebra and the others snickered. "Nozel's going to do the most cliche thing ever~"

"They're going to release fireworks from the ship out there," Rina said as she got out of the water along with everyone else. "Also, you might want to get out of the water."

I began to carry her out, but she pouted cutely.

"I like the cold!!"

"But I don't." However, I complied and she sighed in satisfaction.

"Get ready!"






I quickly cupped (y/n)'s face and pressed my lips against hers, hands running through her hair.


End of Flashback (Reader POV)

"You idiot," Nozel flicked my forehead. "You got hypothermia. One of the symptoms is no recollection, or at least, some parts."

My face was a red mess. "You really had to kiss me on the very first second of New Year's, huh? How cliche."

"You didn't complain."

"Shut up!"

At 8 am, the teachers rounded us all up and we got onto the train that was heading back to Cardia Prefecture. 

Once again, I fell asleep and he wrapped his blanket around us.

When we got to House Silva at 7 pm, Noelle attacked me with questions regarding my relationship with her brother.

"You love him, right??" She asked.


"I knew it," Acier smiled. "I knew it would just take a certain push to get you two fools together."

Nebra pretended to faint and I caught her. She looked at me. "You have nooo idea how long Mother Acier has been telling us about you two. She's been a shipper since the very beginning when you two met."

[Starlight] Nozel Silva x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें