Hisoka's story

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FYI: this chapter will contain heavy themes of emotional and physical abuse.

Your POV:
You slept almost the whole day and you awoke when you heard your light chestnut door slowly creak open. You used to sleep like a rock when your parents were around but your time at Aunt Nina's taught you the value of sleeping lightly. You kept your eyes closed and waited to feel Elaine's presence, but instead it was Hisoka's. Curious about him and his motives, you pretended to still be asleep. That's when he said with both anger and sorrow laced into his voice "I'm so sorry, but you- you deserved it". Almost, you noticed, like he was trying to convince himself.

Hisoka's POV
My eyes widened as I realized I had said that out loud. She just looked so much like Aurora. My evil, sadistic, yet preciously perfect little sister. I sat gingerly on a chair by y/n's bed and took her hand. I had to explain myself, I had to remind myself of why I killed her. I had to remind myself that they deserved it. I had to tell her why. She needed to know so I could move on forget her- forget them, their screams. I need to stronger, remake myself. If I confess, these cumbersome memories might go away. So I looked at my sleeping sister's face and launched into my explanation.

3rd person POV
It had all started when Hisoka told his dad about how he liked to kill small warm blooded animals. Hisoka just adored watching them struggle, watching the light of life slowly fade from their eyes. Hisoka thought it'd be the same when he killed a person, he wanted to feel that immense joy again. So, one night he, he set out. He stumbled upon a drunk man who reeked of alcohol and was passed out. Too easy- thought Hisoka. He woke the man up and choked him like he did the bunnies he caught. Oddly enough, it felt horrible to Hisoka. He threw up in the alley he had entered and ran. He was crying and upset. He was just chasing that feeling of joy initially but he only received a pain and tightness in his chest. He arrived home late, and his dad asked him sternly where he had been. Hisoka, 10 at the time trusted his dad enough to tell him. He told his dad, embarrassed about him killing bunnies and dogs, and about how killing a human wasn't the same. His dad freaked, and saw his son as a monster that had to be to be controlled and kept in check. From that day on he brutally beat Hisoka and favored Hisoka's younger sister. His father thought he was controlling the monster, when in fact he was making Hisoka so, so much worse. Though after enduring years of his fathers torture, his humanity began to ebb away, and eventually Hisoka began to enjoy killing people too, not just animals.

Finally, when Hisoka turned 12 on June 6th, after two years of abuse he had had enough. He contemplated his family's transgressions, trying to figure out how he'd punish and kill them. He remembered his mom, his kindhearted, headstrong redheaded mom. His mom had tried to heal and comfort Hisoka after every beating, she once even stopped his father from beating him on his 11th birthday. But then, his mothers bruises began to match his own and she too had been was broken by his father. She no longer tried to help or heal him after that. That's why, when Hisoka had finally had enough of all of it, he killed her quickly,and peacefully by giving her poison in her sleep. He buried her in a grave with a cross. He wasn't religious but she was. So then, the only one who was safe from his monster of a father was his precious, precious little sister. She always got everything, while he was treated like an alien, ostracized as an outcast. Aurora never once tried to stop her father, never once tried to help Hisoka in any way. She wasn't too much younger than Hisoka, but she acted like the only child. How fitting to let them burn together, he thought. So after he killed his mom in the middle of the night and quietly dragged her out the house to bury her; Hisoka returned and (after he gave his family a good fright) locked them inside their house and set it ablaze. Hisoka had threw up after he killed his mom, but listening to the screams of his two tormentors had brought him undeniable, unrestrained joy. Though, for some reason those screams still haunted him in his dreams. And when he relived that's moment in his dreams, he didn't enjoy the kill quite as much.

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