The Pain

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Peter woke with a start, his head had been aching since the wee hours of the morning. He sat on the floor throwing up in the toilet, his Granddad woke up to hearing retching.
Steve walked until he reached where the sound was coming from, he knocks on the door, "Pete? That you, kiddo?" "Yeah, Granddad, it's me. You can open the door." "Ok." Steve opens the door, he bends down, "When did the throwing up start?" "Around 4 this morning." "Oh bud, why didn't you wake me up?" "Cause you just got back from a mission." "Peter Benjamin Parker-Rogers, you're sick and staying home today from school." "Ok, Granddad." "I'll bring the trashcan to your bed, can you lay down?" Peter nods, "Ok, nice an' easy to your bed." "Ned's gonna flip when I don't show up." "Well, I could go get your homework for you." Peter shakes his head, "Ned likes to come and visit, please, Granddad." "Ok, if it makes you feel better. But you must rest. If Bucky comes he'll probably try to tell stories all day. And May's gonna be back in a few days." Peter nods as Steve tucks him in and says "I'm gonna make you some toast, ok?" Peter nods.
                      ——— (time skip) ———
Peter wakes up that afternoon just before Ned comes. He hears Granddad saying "You must be Ned, my grandson's friend." "Yes, may I see Peter?" "Sure. He's probably waking up." Ned enters Peter's room, "Your Grandpa is Captain America?!?" Peter nods meekly, "Ned, can you keep it down?" "Sorry, Peter. How are you feeling?" "Worse. Granddad caught me puking this morning." "I was in the office when the secretary got the call and she was shocked." Peter nods, "MJ is worried, she didn't state it but she asked me to ask how you were." he nods, Steve says "Peter, here's your phone." "Captain America took your phone?" "No! He just put it out of reach plus he wanted me to get better a bit faster since he flipped the switch on by accident and I threw up some more when he did that this morning." "Peter, that's not good." Steve chuckles, "Ned, you're welcome to stay for dinner." "Thanks, Mr. Captain America sir. I'd have to ask my Mom." "That's fine, Ned and just call me Steve." Peter rolls his eyes, "Granddad, can we build my lego set, the one you got me when we moved in? Please?" "Yeah, Peter, if you feel you have enough energy for it." "Thanks!" "I'm off to make dinner, holler if you boys need anything." "Ok."

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