The Journey

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Wander raised his sword to the skies, the sun rays embraced his sword, releasing rays of his own, he turned his sword till those rays converged to one point, and when it did, he couldn't believe it 'HYAA!' he bolted with agro towards where the light pointed, determined, callous of what lies ahead. He climbed, he swam, he ran, got knocked down, got back up, each Colossi was hidden, in his own evironment, toubled by the arrival of an unexpected visitor, a visitor with ill intent, the Colossi were fierce, strong, enormous, and smart. He didn't underestimate them or expect to face mindless beasts, he only aimed to kill them, whatever it takes, some Colossi roamed the deep waters, some the high skies, some in the narrow mountains, some in the underground and some in the desert, his sword led him to every corner of the vast land, where the 16 Colossi were scattered, his troubles didn't stop there, these Colossi, are not easily killed, they must be carefully stabbed in their Vital Sigil only using the ancient sword, as its light enables to reveal the emplacement of the vital on its body, he clenched hard to every Colossi and climbed to reach the sigil, he dodged some of their attacks, got knocked bloody by some of them, sometimes as he laid on the ground, in pain, and suffering, with a broken rib or bone with cuts and bruises, he gathered his thoughts, his feelings, whatever strange power within him that could get him back up on his feet, to keep fighting, as he lifts his sword and charges again with a heartfelt battle cry to silence his pain. and after a struggle of thinking and moving and muscling up, he miraculously manages to kill the beasts. After a long struggle, the loud agile beasts, quiet down, and fall with Wander above them, as their soul leaves their body and pierces his, as he passes out, only to find himself waking up at Dormin's temple, and with the idol of the Colossi he defeated crumbling down. He gets back up, as a strange shadow standing besides him disappears, and adds up a shadow every time he defeats a Colossi, he picks up his sword, whistles for his horse, raises his sword to the sun, and heads wherever the light took him.

Surprisngly, Wander kept going, never once did the idea of stopping crossed his mind, the idea that enough is enough, as to why go all these lenghts, why put his life on the line, why suffer all this, all for a maybe, a mere possibility, that his dead maiden may come back to life again, and be with him, why not just pray to her soul? and start a new life elsewhere, with someone else. All these ideas never crossed his mind, he only thought of what Colossi is next, where it is, and how to defeat it. Wander was a mad man indeed, but he was also a deadman, not for looking for death by fighting giants a thousand time his size, but he was not less dead than that girl on the stone bed, the moment she was sacrificed, Wander died with her, his world meant nothing to him, she is all he lives for, and without her he was nothing, he either lives with her, or dies with her, but nobody knows what lies beyond death, and he can only gamble with what he has, which is his life, and not what he doesn't know, which is his death, he chose to do anything in his power to get her back, and to pay whatever price, even if it's his life, that is why these creatures do not scare him, this is why death doesn't scare him, only a life without his Mono is what he is afraid of, he is careless about anything and anyone else, even himself.

Wander persevered, and risked his life, and as he delivered the final blow to Malus, the final Colossi, he gasped and took a deep breath of relief, his eyes slowly shut as the ritual ended, with the final soul of the Colossi piercing through him. He woke up in the temple, not as excited as he expected, the fights took their toll on him, he was broken, scarred, devastated, the souls inside of him made it worse, he grew horns, and looked even less human than he did at first. he woke up to Lord Emon in the temple, who followed Wander to this land after he stole the sword.

'I don't believe this, so it was you after all, have you any idea what you've done? not only did you steal the sword and trespass upon this cursed land, you used the forbidden spell as well. to be reduced to such a sight' said Emon as his men sheathed their swords and got closer to Wander. 'You were only being used. Eradicate the source of evil!' ordered Emon 'Look! he's possessed by the dead, hurry up and do it!' the archer shot his crossbow with an arrow to Wander's knee.

'it is better to put him out of his misery than to exist, cursed as he is.' the archer pulled his sword, went to Wander as he's agonizing with pain, he lifted his sword, and landed it through his heart. Suddenly a burst of shadows came out of his wound, like a water stream exploding through mountain rocks, Wander struggled to get up with the men surrounding him astounded with what they're looking at, Wander stood up, his eyes only focusing on the stone table, his arms stretching towards Mono, even as he is dying, she is all he cares about, he pulled the sword out of his body, the sword dropped clanging on the floor, and the stream of shadows poured harder from his heart, as he fell back to the floor, and as the shadows consumed his body, then slowly, the shadows grew bigger, and a silhouette started shaping as the men beneath it shook in fear, then a giant shadow with horns and tentacles appeared, then Dormin's voice spoke 'Thou severed our body into sixteen segments for an eternity to seal away our power.. We, Dormin, have arisen anew..'

Emon, with shock and disbelief screamed 'he's been resurrected!'

'we have borrowed the body of this warrior'

'Place a seal over the entire shrine before it's too late!'

Dormin started smashing his giant arms to the floor, as the men slipped behind them, Dormin was struggling to maneuver inside the temple, they headed to the spiral way to exit, they rushed to the top of the tower, Emon lifted the ancient sword he stole earlier, and threw it in the pond at the bottom, the impact created a giant vortex, that pulled Dormin inside, the deity clenched to the floor, but the vortex was too strong and the shadow grew smaller every second,  as it sucked it into the pond, until only Wander's miniscule body remained, it surrendered to the mercy of the vortex that abruptly calmed once he was sucked into it. After a short while, the storm that took the place calmed, and far at the stone table, the sleeping beauty awakened, slowly, she got up, not knowing where she was, she came down the table, her bare small feet feeling the harsh cold floor beneath them, she advanced slowly, looking at the rubble that once was the idols, not having the least idea what transpired there, as she approached the pond, she heard a small soft noise, she went closer, and there laid a baby, wailing, with 2 horns in his head, Mono was surprised at the sight, she took the baby in her arms, and ascended the spiral with Agro to her side, and baby Wander in her arms, he was reborn anew, and his love was once again, alive. she made her way to a secret garden at the top of the Shrine, where animals and birds lived in peace, as the dawn of a new age shined upon the once cursed land.

Emon and his men, shortly after the chaos, rode swiftly through the bridge to escape, the bridge shortly after they started escaping, started crumbling behind them, the men made it just in time, the only way into this land has been destroyed, and now it is lost forever.

Foreshadow of the ColossusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz