The story behind the story

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Under the cloudy sky of the forbidden land, a free eagle roamed those empty skies, his powerful eyes noticed something unnatural, something new, someone new. Even for a beast, it was too strange to see a human wandering this land that has been empty for so long, man became nothing but a fading memory, lit by the giant relics left by them, to honour the god that watched over them, who he too, seemed like he abondenned that land. Wander, was just as amazed as the eagle above him, he finally stepped foot in the mythical land that he always heard of, only it wasn't curiosity that brought him, but duty. His breathing eased as he finally arrived to the entrance, his heart and mind made it difficult to breathe, he was anxious that the only way he can achieve his duty was through a myth, that may exist or not, his heart eased a bit, but it was just the beginning. Every once in a while, he lifts the lid, takes a good long look, a look that pains him everytime, but he can't help but look again, he puts the lid back, pats on Agro, his loyal horse, as he gently pulls his reins when he reached the top of mountain passage, his small eyes tightened even more to see what lies ahead, is it a mirage? or reality? doesn't matter to him, hope is hope. he continued onwards, till he reached the stone bridge, a long, strong bridge, resting on tower high pillars engraved in the soil of the land he never thought he'd arrive to, he took his first step, and slowly increased his speed, but not too fast, easy does it, that's how he came all the way here, for once, he didn't take a look under the lid, he didn't look at the sky high distance, or the nature under it, his eyes were fixated on the temple he was anticipating to see ever since he arrived, the house of god. He crossed the long bridge, arriving to a portal that opened, his eyes went from the light environment to a dark one, his eyes needed adjusting, but his horse is his second eyes, he went down a spiral passage around a pond, that held sacred water, until he stumbled upon a giant room, intimidating, yet soothing, confusing yet hopeful, left and right, gigantic statues of creatures, in 2 rows of 8, his eyes lept looking at the size of these statues wondering what they might refer to. At the end of the room, was a stone bed, above it an interrupted pillar, that separates from the stone bed, Wander got off Agro, pat on his head, and took the treasure he carried with him, held it with both hands and laid it on the stone bed, and removed the lid, his heartbeat grew faster and harder, tears blurred the beautiful image he was looking at, he wiped his tears, clenched his fist, and made a silent vow, that he would accomplish what he came for, no matter the cost. He turned his back to the bed, faced upwards to the ceiling where a round atrium introduced light to the room as a light brighter than that of outside shone, and in a moment of silence, a voice spoke out of the light, Wander's heartbeat grew faster, and Agro in the back took  a couple of paces back in fear, neighing softly in fear, Wander unsheathed his sword, and pointed it to the Oculus. The mysterious voice spoke, once in a man's voice, and once in a woman's 'hmm, thou possess the ancient sword? so thou art mortal?' Wander tightened his grip, lowered his sword and asked 'are you Dormin? I was told that in this place, at the ends of the world, there exists a being who can control the souls of the dead' said Wander as he sheathes his sword. The voice replied instantly 'thou art right, we are the one known as Dormin'.

'She was sacrificed, for she had a cursed fate', Wander took a look back at the pale face of his lover 'Please.. I need you to bring back her soul'.

The voice laughed, 'that maiden's soul? souls that are once lost cannot be reclaimed... is that not the law of mortals?'

Wander stayed silent, his head faced downwards, disappointed. the voice rose again 'with that sword however... it may not be impossible'

Wander's head lifted faster, full of hope 'really?!'

'That is, of course, if thou manage to accomplish what we asketh'

Determined, Wander replied 'what do I have to do?'

'Behold the idols that stand along the wall... thou art to destroy all of them...'said the voice echoing in a man and a woman's voice. 'but those idols cannot be destroyed... by the mere hands of a mortal...'

'then, what am I to do?'

'In this land, there exist Colossi, that are the incarnations of those idols, if thou defeat those Colossi, the idols shall fall..'

'I understand' the determined look did not leave Wander's face, to him, hope is hope, no matter how small.

'but heed this, the price you pay may be heavy indeed..'

'it doesn't matter'

'very well' said the voice after silence, 'raise thy sword by the light, and head to the place where the sword's light gathers, there, thou shalt find the Colossi thou art to defeat'

Wander turned to his love, caressed her face, looked up to the open wilderness before him, and mounted Agro to start his journey.

Foreshadow of the ColossusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang