Percy Jackson+MCU V.2

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"Chiron! Chiron!"

Shouts were heard from the crest of Half Blood Hill. A minute later, a centaur, by the name of Chiron, gallops up the hill. A 17 year old camper, named Annabeth was calling his name.

"What is wrong, my dear?" He asked calmly and gently. She pointed just beyond the large pine tree that marked the borders of the camp. A boy, around the age of 15 was running towards the camp with multiple wounds, blood dripping from his body. Chiron seemed shocked for a millisecond but regained his posture and ran outside to help the young boy. The kid collapsed before he could reach him. When he got to the young boy, he so gently picked him up and carried him to the border. What surprised him was that the boy could not go through the barrier.

"He's mortal," Chiron whispered. But, seeing all the past hero's die, he couldn't let this mortal die. Besides he felt like there was something special about him.

"I give permission for this young boy to enter Camp Half Blood," he spoke. Thunder boomed and he walked through. He looked down at the boy. He was in terrible shape. Stab wounds, bullets wounds, bruises. He rushed down to the infirmary. Soon, he walked out and 9 campers were in front of him.

"Who was that?" Annabeth asked. The others nodded their heads, wanting an answer.

"He was a mortal," he told them. They gasped.

"Why'd you let him in?" An elfish boy, named Leo, asked.

"He was severely injured. I also had a feeling something was special about him," he answered, his voice steadily calm.

"Is he okay," a blond, named Will, asked, ready to run in to heal him.

"I treated his wounds, but they need to heal naturally, without nectar or ambrosia," he said. Will rushed in with the other 8 following him. When they got in, they saw the young boy, most of his wounds gone. A black haired, green eyed boy named Percy, turned to Chiron.

"I thought you said they needed to heal? They're basically gone!" He said. Chiron looked at the kid. The wounds were healing themselves and were pretty much gone.

"Told you He was special," he said. As soon as the wounds healed, the boy sat straight up and gasped.

"W-What's going on! I-i need to get home. I-i got, I got homework!" He said. They stifled some laughs.

"Hey kid-" The boy stiffened at the name, " we need to explain some stuff, but can we know your name?"

"P-Peter," he whispered.

They explained where he was and who they were. Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Will, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank and Hazel. By the end, he seemed to relax.

"When can I go home?" He asked. They shrugged.

"Don't know, Chiron will tell us," they said. Then a horn sounded. They all got grins on their faces.

"Game Time!" They shouted. Annabeth grabbed his arm and they ran to a shed. She held out some at our to him but he pushed it away. She handed him all sorts of weapons, but he shunned them away.

"What are we even playing?" He asked.

"Capture the flag," Percy said.

"You'll be on my side," Annabeth said.

"I don't need a weapon, I can handle myself," he said.

"Okay Fine!" She said. They walked out and lined up. Annabeth told them where they would go.

"Just go wherever," she told Peter. He nodded and decided that he was going for the flag. The game started and he ran. When nobody was around, he climbed a tree. His web shooters were still on and he started to swing towards the flag. When he spotted it, he used the Spy training Natasha gave him and silently made it to the cliff that was behind them. He climbed it using his stickiness. He flipped down in his classic style.

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