The Phone Call Part 2

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Peter didn't come to school for a whole week. The third day, people were worrying. What if Peter had gotten hurt? Even Flash was worried. The 7th day, there was an assembly. The students all filed in slowly. The Avengers were all there. Once the whispers stopped, they started talking. 

"So, hello Midtown Tech," Tony said. A chorus hellos rang out. 

"Well, I suppose you know about Peter, right?" Some kids said yes, some said no. 

"For those who said no, Peter's real name in Peter Stark. He is my son," Tony said. Whispers broke out. 

"And he is Spider-Man," Steve said. More whispers broke out. 

"He is the reason we're here," Wanda said. 

"My brave nephew. My brave, dumb nephew, sacrificed himself for us," Nat said. MJ burst out crying. So did Ned and all the people that knew Peter well. Some of the Avengers started crying too. Tony and Nat choked back tears. 

"He-He took a bullet to the chest. A bullet that could have killed all of us at one time," Nat said. 

"We rushed him back to the tower," Bruce said. 

"He went through surgery," Steve said. 

"His heart stopped a couple time," Clint said. 

"But he made it through," Wanda said. 

"He's in a coma and we're not sure if he's ever going to wake up," Tony finished. Then everyone burst into tears. Tony headed behind stage. Nobody should see him cry. He felt warm arms wrap around him from behind. He looked back. 

"Peter," he whispered. 

"Dad, please don't cry!" Peter said. 

"Peter!" Tony said. He wrapped him up in a hug. 

"Don't ever do that again," Tony muttered into his ear. 

"I won't," Peter said, his grip tightening. "Wanna prank them?" Peter said. 

"I don't known if that's a good ideas..." Tony said.

"I almost died. It seems right to win a prank war," Peter argued. Tony rolled his eyes. 

"Fine," he sighed and Peter launched into a short explanation and they set their plan into action

Tony made himself cry again and ran out back onto the stage. 

"I have bad news," he announced. 

"Peter's d-d..." he didn't even finish the sentence when people started sobbing and wailing. 

"He's dead!" Tony wailed. Everyone was drowning in an ocean of tears. Peter was watching from backstage. He tapped a button on his watch and created a nanoparticle dummy that looked like the Hydra agent that shot him. He set commands and the dummy burst through the entrance to the auditorium. 

"Well, Stark, how do you feel now that your son is dead?" The dummy said. The Avengers looked up in rage.

 "You killed Peter!" Nat shouted. Backstage, Peter put on his suit. He got onto the roof and got ready for what was about to happen. Right as the dummy was about to 'shoot', Peter opened the window and shot a web grabbing the gun. It happened so fast, nobody saw what happened. The dummy looked at his hands. 

"Stark!" The dummy shouted. 

"What did I do?!" Tony shouted back. 

"Not you! Younger Stark!" The dummy growled. The Avengers were confused. Did Tony have another child? Or was it ... Peter? Peter swung through the window of the room. 

"Dang it, dummy, you ruined my entrance!" Peter said, acting. 

"Sorry Master," The dummy deadpanned. 

"Eh, just do what I said," Peter said, arms crossed. 

"Peter!" The Avengers and the school shouted. Nat surged forward. The dummy blocked her way. 

"Nobody goes near Master Peter," The dummy said. 

"What? Master Peter?" Nat asked. 

"No..." she whispered. 

"Peter were you a Hydra agent all along?!" Steve asked. 

"Maybe. Maybe not," Peter answered. This was a really good prank. The dummy turned to Peter. 

"Hail Hydra," it said. 

"Hail Hydra," Peter mimicked. Everyone gasped.

Peter started laughing. He fell on the floor laughing. The dummy went back into a nanoparticle containment unit. Tony started laughing too. Everyone was confused. 

"What?!" Nat yelled. 

"You...thought...I was...a...Hydra...agent!" He said in between laughs. 

"We got you!" Tony shouted. Nat went up and slapped Tony. 

"Was it all a prank?! Did you fake Peter almost dying?!" She shouted in his face. 

"No! Why would I fake that?!" Tony asked back. Then in a quieter voice, he said, "Why would I fake my son getting hurt and being in a coma." Peter went up to Nat. He gave her a hug. She tensed. Everyone thought Peter was dead. 

"It was my idea. I'm sorry I made you feel like that," Peter said. She turned and hugged his tightly. 

"I'm so glad I didn't lose you, паук," she whispered in his ear. 

"Hail Hydra," he whispered back. Nat gasped. 

"How'd you know?!" She screamed. Peter looked stunned. 

"Kidding," Natasha laughed. Peter shook his head.

Then he turned to look at the audience. He smirked, "Hey." 

"Peter!" Ned and MJ cried. They ran up and wrapped him in a hug. Then MJ slapped Peter. 

"Ow," he whispered. 

"Why would pull such a stupid prank?!" She yelled.

 "Sorry," he apologized. Then she pulled him closer and their lips met. Peter froze for a moment, in shock and them melted into the kiss. When they pulled apart, everyone cheered. Peter blushed and looked down with a smile on his face. 

"MJ, will you, uh, willyoubemygirlfriend?" He asked at supersonic speed. She raised an eyebrow. 

"Sure, loser," she answered. Peter's smile grew and it infected everyone in the room. Everyone was smiling. Peter grabbed MJ's hand and led her up to the Avengers. Natasha and Tony were smirking, Wanda was still crying, Steve looked proud and everyone was happy for him. 

"I like her," Natasha said. MJ, for once, looked star struck. 

"Wow, Black Freaking Widow said she liked me," she muttered. Pepper walked up to the pair. 

"MJ, me and Natasha were thinking, would you like to intern and train under us?" She asked. MJ's eyes widened. 

"Uh, Yes!' She cried. Everyone's smile grew bigger and bigger. Bruce turned to Ned, how was fanboying harder than it should be humanly possible. 

"Ned, will you intern under me?" He asked. Ned nodded vigorously. Tony walked up to Peter and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Let's go home, bring Ned and MJ," he said. Peter waved them forward and they walked off the stage and into the limo outside. Everyone cheered. Sometimes, phone calls can be bad, and others can end up good. 

The. Freaking. End.


Peter Parker OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora