Magical Peter Part 1

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Peter was always fascinated by magic. Whether it was real or fake, he loved it.

So naturally, when he saw Wanda, Dr. Strange and Loki, he was intrigued. He really really wanted to learn. It took him quite a while, but one day he finally got the courage to ask.

First he went to Wanda.

"Hey Wanda, can-" He hesitated, "can you teach me magic?" He asked. Wanda gave him a sad look.

"I'm sorry, Peter, I don't know how to teach you. If you learn from Strange or Loki, I may be able to teach you to do the type of magic I do," she said, frowning as she saw Peter's smile falter.

"It's okay! I was going to ask them too!" He chirped, still smiling. Wanda smiled back, watching his spirits be lifted.

Who was next on his list. Ah yes, Dr. Strange.

"Hi, Dr. Wizard! Can you teach me magic?" Peter asked.

"Not now. If you would like, I can take you to the place I learned over the summer if you'd like," he answered. Peter nodded and sprang away.

Then he went to Loki.

"Hello Uncle Loki! Can you teach me magic?" Peter asked.

"I can teach you basic magic now if you would like, young arachnid human thing," Loki answered. Peter nodded excitedly. Loki spent an hour teaching Peter the basics. In that hour, Peter learned how to levitate, and levitate other things. For the day, he was satisfied. He didn't need anything else for a while. 

(252 words)

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