Percy Jackson+MCU mashup

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That night, in the pavilion, they were talking. "Strange, it was definitely strange," Jason said. They all nodded in agreement. "Do you think we could visit Peter?" Annabeth asked. "Yeah, but how would we get a hold of him?" They all thought for a moment. "Well, we could do an Iris-Message him," Percy said. They thought about this and if it would work. "Yeah, we could do that," Annabeth said. Percy jumped up and ran to the lake. "I didn't mean now," Annabeth mumbled, getting up from the table. Percy made some mist and Annabeth fished out a coin. She threw it through and said, "Peter Stark, Stark Tower." "Why'd you say, Stark Tower?" Percy asked. She shrugged. "Felt right," she said. An image of Peter popped up. "Peter!" They called. He looked at them. "What the?" He muttered, and walked over to the mist. "Hey, What is this?" He asked. "It's an Iris-Message. How we communicate," Annabeth said. The others were slowly walking over. "So, why'd you want to contact me?" Peter said. "You can visit us, but can we visit you?" Percy asked. "Uh Yeah sure. I'll have Friday make you pass to the tower. Stark Tower. Come anytime, as long as I'm home," he answered. Peter looked away. "Friday makes passes for Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, and Piper McLean," he called. "Done Mini Stark," an Irish voice called back. They looked through in confusion. "Come right now if you want," Peter said. Percy looked at Annabeth with his sad seal eyes. She huffed. "Percy it is not going to work," she said. "Pathetic," Peter said. They looked at him. "What do you mean?" Percy asked. "I am the king of sad eyes," Peter said. Percy rolled his eyes. "Like you look sadder than a sad seal," he said. Peter looked away and when he turned back, his eyes were sad puppy eyes. Percy's mouth dropped and Annabeth melted. "Please," Peter whimpered. She caved in. "Fine," she said. Peter smiled. "We'll see you soon," Percy said. Annabeth waved her hand through the image. Percy was jumping in excitement. He grabbed everybody, went and told Chiron and they ran out of camp. They decided to walk. They soon approached the tower. They all stared in shock. They walked into the lobby. "Hey! What are you doing here!" A security person yelled. "We're friends of Peter," Annabeth said. The guard calmed down. "Okay, Friday should let you through if you're telling the truth," he said. They went to the security gates and walked through. The voice they heard with Peter announced each of their names as they went through. They also heard, "Level 9." They shrugged it off and waited for instructions. Leo was practically jumping off of the walls. "Will we meet Iron Man?" He asked. The elevator dinged. "Yes you will," a familiar voice called. Peter stepped out. They all ran to him. He led them to the private elevator. He reached in his pocket. "Here are badges. You'll need them to enter the building again," he explained. They nodded, looking at them. "Level 100," Peter requested. The elevator started moving. When they got to the floor, Peter led them to his room. They walked in. Looking around, they gawked at everything. Peter laughed at their reactions. They sat down and Pete explained everything in the tower. From Friday to the Arch Reactor. By the time they were finished, Friday said, "Dinner is ready Mini Stark." Peter looked at them. "Time to meet my highly dysfunctional family," he said, and stood up. The rest followed in suit. "Dad, I have some friends overnight now. Can they eat with us?" Peter asked. "Are they sassy?" Tony asked back. Peter looked back at them. Leo and Percy struck poses. Percy flipped his fake hair. "Very sassy," Peter answered. Tony shrugged. "Sure," He said. They all walked in. Besides Peter, they stood at the doorway. "Hi," Piper said. "Hello?" Steve said back. "I'm Piper McLean," Piper said. Tony looked up. "Like Tristan McLean?" He asked. Piper nodded blushing. "Cool," He said. "This is Percy, Annabeth, Jason and Leo," Peter said. Leo was jumping. "Oh," Peter said. "Leo is very smart like me. He builds stuff all the time. Also, Dad, he's well," Peter said, gesturing to the fanboying Leo. Tony raised an eyebrow. "Lab?" He asked. Peter and Leo perked up. "Okay then," Tony said. They sat down. Annabeth and Piper got along with Natasha just fine. Jason obviously got along with Steve. Percy had a good time with Clint and Sam. Leo also had fun with Tony. Then they told everybody about themselves. They also told them about the gods, since they knew Thor and stuff. Unsurprisingly they weren't surprised. Most of them wanted to see their powers. They looked at Annabeth. She snapped and caused the mist to disappear in that area. Peter led them to the outside gym, where they could demonstrate. Annabeth went and called Frank, Hazel, Nico and Will through Iris Message. Frank said they would come and the mist disappeared. She told them more friends were coming. A minute later, they walked through the gym doors. The Avengers went and sat in the bleachers. Peter stayed up to help them. First was Jason. "I can fly, and summon lightning," he said. Then he raised himself off of the ground. When he landed, he flipped his sword out and thrust it upwards and lightning came crashing down. The Avengers looked impressed. Not Nat. She has the best poker face ever. Next was Leo. He didn't even say anything and just lit himself on fire. The Avengers cried out. "Chillax, I am fire immune and I can summon it," he said. Next was Percy. "I control water, and can create a hurricane," he said. Annabeth carries a tub of water in and Percy makes the water into the shape of a hand. Then he made it into a mini hurricane. Now was Piper. "I can make anyone do anything," she said. She turned to Tony. "Stand up, and dunk your head into the water tub," she said with charmspeak. Tony stood and dunked his head. He screamed when he snapped out of it. They all just laughed. The rest of them went and the Avengers were impressed. "Percy Annabeth, Nico, and Will have all fought 2 wars before," Frank said. "The rest of us have fought one," Hazel said. "We've fought," Tony said and thought for a moment. "We've fought about 5," He finished. (Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame). Their eyes widened. "Peter's fought 5?" They asked. Tony shook his head. "He's fought 3 with us, 1 of his own," he said. Peter looked at the floor. "We don't talk about his personal one," Tony said. Then he turned to Peter. "Origin, tell them," he said. Peter pursed his lips and nodded. He led everyone to his room and they all sat down. He turned to Frank and Hazel. "I'm Peter by the way," he introduced. They nodded. "Alright, My mom died in a plane crash when I was little. We didn't know about Tony being my Dad, by the way. I moved in with my aunt and uncle and lived there for years. Skip ahead to when I was 13, my class took a trip to Oscorp. I was bitten by a radioactive spider and was really sick for a week. I was lucky to survive. I got powers from it. A month after my 14th birthday, my uncle was shot by a mugger. He actually inspired me to become Spider-Man. I did my job around Queens for a while when Dad came to our apartment. He brought me to Germany to fight Cap. That was my first War. After that we went back to my apartment. Some stuff happened after. That's my personal War. Long Story short, the Vulture was making illegal weapons and selling them, so I chased him. He dropped me in a lake and I got stuck. Dad came and saved me. He told me to let him go. I didn't listen and had my best friend hack my suit and get rid of the tracker in it. My friend had a part of one and went to the top of the Washington Monument and it exploded. I had to climb it and save them all. Afterwards, I chased after him again. A weapon exploded and ripped through the ferry. It ripped in half and I had to use my webs to hold it together. Dad found me and yelled at me and took my suit. I ignored all my problems and asked my crush to come home. She accepted and the night of homecoming I went to her house. Her dad was the Vulture. He found out I was Spider-Man and threatened me. I didn't listen and ran after him. He used his wings against me and collapsed a building on me. I had to lift it off myself and run after him. He went for dad's plane and almost got all the stuff in it. I was on the side of it and it started to crash. I had to steer it from outside and stop it from falling into New York. It crashed onto Coney Island. I was flung off. Vulture came and fought me." Peter lifted his shirt to show scars. "I got seriously hurt. Blah blah blah, I made it out alive and he went to jail. Then, Dad gave me my suit back. Skip, my class was on a field trip to MoMa. I snuck onto a giant donut spaceship that was flying over New York. I almost fell to my death but dad got me a new suit and it encased me. 'Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!' Anyways, we traveled to Titan where we met Thanos. We fought, he threw a moon. Anyways, he escaped, and soon, I felt... weird. I looked around and the people that were with us were turning to dust. I called my dad's name and clung to him. I apologized and turned to dust. So basically, I died. Skip 5 years later, we're back to life. We fought the war with Thanos again. Those were my 2 other wars. All the Avengers shared the power of the stones and defeated Thanos. Some of us inherited some power from the Infinity Stones. I, uh, I got the soul stone. I brought some people back that died to defeat Thanos. Blah blah blah, some stuff. Cliche stuff that all readers know about like field trips, and other stories," Peter said. They all looked at him confused. Then he squealed. "Fri, call Wade!" He screeched. Wade picked up a second later. "Peter?" He asked. "I broke the fourth wall for the first time!" Peter yelled. "Yessss! Celebration at patrol for tacos?" Wade asked. "Yes please!' Peter said and hung up. "And that's my origin." "Wow," they muttered. "No side effects from that?" Annabeth asked curiously. "Your good old PTSD, Anxiety, occasional depression, and other sad stuff!" Peter said enthusiastically. "You're mom died?" Percy asked, onto something. "Yeah, I never really knew her," he said glumly. The demigods all looked at each other. "You're older, but you are able to look after yourself," Annabeth said. Peter looked at them in confusion. "Peter, we think you may be a demigod," they said in unison. As soon as they said this almost a holographic image appeared above him. It had two leaf symbols. (Like a laurel read from back then). "I've-I've never seen this symbol before," Annabeth stuttered. "Friday, take a picture please," Jason said. Percy ran to the bathroom and got a cup of water and Annabeth fished out a drachma. "Chiron at Camp Half-Blood," she requested. Chiron appeared through the mist. "Peter was just claimed," Percy told him. Chiron's eyes widened. "Who?" He asked. They shook their heads. "We don't know," they said. "Friday show the picture," Jason said. The picture of the symbol appeared. Chiron furrowed his brows. "I'll ask Mr. D," he said and the mist disappeared. They all sat in silence until the mist reappeared. "Peter, He is the son of Atere, goddess of virtue, excellence, goodness and valor," Chiron said, "And her only son." "That makes total sense now," they said. Peter looked over to them with a confused look. "You are half god," Annabeth explained. "...I guess that makes sense," Peter said slowly. "Welcome to the group!" Percy said in a happy tone.

The rest of the story is up to you guys. Create your own continuation! If you do publicly publish a continuation please tag me, because I would LOVE to read it!

(4221 Words)


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