Chapter Sixty Six

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Proof The King Was There

    "The situation has changed." Isaya said. "For the time being I'll postpone turning you into a human, besides, were under attack." Isaya quickly left the two in the middle of the tree speckled field.
    "I'll go too." Zero attempted to stand, Yuki kicked him down. "Yu- !" She took out her Artemis.
    "I'll be taking them back." She said. Swinging it outwards and extending it into her Scythe. She swung it down at him and he closed his eyes. He heard a clink of metal and looked down, his cuffs were ripped apart. Before he could do anything his back suddenly hit the ground and Yuki was ontop of him. "My memory." She bent down and bit into his nape. Zero narrowed his eyes and looked over at her. He sighed and his had smacked against the ground. He stared up at the cloudy sky. He felt her hand reach over to his and her fingers locked in his. She lifted her head and stared down at him with teary eyes. "You're such a dummy." She said.
   "I'm sorry..." Zero replied. "...I- " She bent to his face and their lips connected.
She lifted and flicked his forehead. "You had no right to do that."
   "Ichiru told me to come get them back, and tell you how I feel." Yuki said. "I'm angry. That's how I feel. You took away my right to grieve, and you took away the most important person to me."
   "I didnt know that your memory of Kanames death would fade t-"
   "No." Yuki interrupted. "I meant you." Yuki kissed him once more and stood up. His eyes were wide once she pulled away. "Let's go catch your brother!" She noticed his surprised expression. "What?"
   "Nothing." Zero got up and dusted his pants. "Let's go."

They ran over to the front of the Association, in search of Ichiru. "Zero." Yuki said, tugging at his sleeve. "He wont be here."

He turned and looked at her with confusion and quickly came to his conclusion with fast pace. Zero raced down to where the furnace had been set and crashed into the room, the double doors practically swinging off their hinges. Zero stepped in and looked up at the top on the few steps leading to the furnace. Noticing his brother standing before the roaring fire.

  "Ichiru!" He shouted, jumping up to where his brother was standing. "Stop!" He landed next to him. Ichirus knees buckled under him and he flopped to the ground. Zero caught him and propped him up. "Ichiru! What did you do?!" Zero shook him.
  "I told you..." Ichiru said with a weary smile. " wouldnt be the parent."

"You dumbass!" Zero shouted. He let Ichiru sit up on his own and reached for the furnace, attempting to grab Ichirus heart. Ichiru grabbed Zeros wrist.
  "Its too late..." he said. "My heart is regenerating over and over in that place."
  "Damn it! Why did you just... let me!" Zero exasperated and flopped his legs to the ground.
  "Zero... " Ichiru pulled his arm.
  "You cant end up like this... you're so much better at this pureblood thing than I am. If I hadnt been born, the today you probably would've been better off..." Zero said, staring down at the floor. Ichiru pulled him into a hug.
   "Zero, I will soon lose consciousness in this form. Do you really want to spend my last moments arguing with me on this?" Zero stayed silent. "If you wont talk, then listen. Dont say my life wouldve been better if you hadnt been born... as if you've never given me anything. Without you, I dont think I could have survived the death of our parents..."
  "How am I supposed to survive yours?!"
  "The same way you survived theirs. Yuki. That girl is the reason you're standing here today and dont try saying otherwise." Ichiru pushed Zero off of him and touched his forehead with his. "Listen to me, I want you to take that Bloody Rose, kick those vampire asses, and take that girl  and live out your days with her." Zero tightened his hold on his brother.
   "I wanted you to have that life too..."
   "I can. Through the weapons that you and that woman carry." Ichiru patted Zeros back. "I know you've felt it. That woman has another heart beat..." Ichiru pushed Zero off of him and bumped their heads. "...Dont try to deny it, I heard it too, when I severed her tea. She had stood up and I heard a faint heart beat away from her own."
   "Kuran was right... you guys belong together. " He said. "I want you two, to be together, and I want that little one to grow with you both... live on and fulfill your goal... Zero." Ichirus arms slid off of Zeros back and flopped to his side. Zeros eyes widened and he placed his hand on his brothers head as it fell to Zeros shoulder. He heard footsteps race toward the room. It was all his ears would allow him to hear... the echoed clack came to a stop.
   "Zero! I'm sorry there was..." Yuki voice had stopped and she approached up the stairs slowly. " ambush." Her hands covered her mouth. "Ze- " Zero gently set down his brother on the ground, running out of the room.

Soon, Zero happened upon the battle scene of Level Es being lead by purebloods and hunters attack them along with the scattered few vampires on the hunters side. "Enough!" Zero yelled.
   "Now where did you go off to?" One pureblood mistress said.
   "We will no longer be held down by the shackles named Kriyu! We will not yield to you!"
   "I didnt ask you to." Zero said, softly.
   "The Senate, the Association, the leader called Kriyu... what have we immortals received ik the past ten thousand years?" Another pureblood rose his hands. "No longer will we stand in this stagnant time. Be cut to pieces son of Kriyu." Vampires spread out from behind the man and raced toward Zero.

Zero held out his hand and closed it, the front line of vampires vaporized into dust. "I don't care about your wants, or your selfish interests. Blame who you want, in the end you'll be dust." The ground rumbled violently under them and the building behind them burst open. Zero turned to see a large burst of butterflies erupted from it. Yuki lead them down and landed to the ground.
   "You left this." Yuki said, tossing the Bloody Rose at him.


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