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A/n I'm writing at least five more chapters before publishing this story so if your suggestion didn't get used in the next part it's cause I'm going to publish as must as i possibly can in one time. <3

Kenzie POV:

I woke up to Nick whisper shouting my name. "Wha-what happened what's going on" I said still waking up. "We just landed" Avani shouts so the whole airplane could hear us. "PARTY ANIMAL UNIVERSITY HERE WE COME!" I shout. Let's clear that up. We call UCLA party animal university cause it's something Nick's friend Bryce came up with. We just go with it. We were waiting for the plane doors to open when I started yelling. "OKAY SO HI EVERYONE I JUST WANT TO LET YOU KNOW I AM NICK BEAN'S TWINSISTER MACKENZIE!". I thought it was funny but the flight attendant most certainly didn't. "What are you doing?" Nick says. "I can finally be open about it" I reply. "Does that mean so much to you?" Nick says. I just nod and stretch. We get out if the plane on the bus to the airport. When we arrive at the airport I ask Nick: "Okay it's all fun but where the fuck are we going to crash". He laughs and literally ignores me. "I SAID WHERE THE FUCK" I yell. "I have some friends that live together you'll know who I mean when you meet them." he said. "I don't know them and you want me to sleep in their house? " I ask. "You know them you just, don't know them" he replies. That's when it hit me, if we were going to crash at those friends' house that means they're picking us up. I look like shit. I haven't done my makeup and my hair's messy af. All of my makeup's in my suitcase so I don't have an emergency batch. I decide to just go yolo and not carae about it.... or act like I don't. So we pick up our bags and Nick's on the phone. He won't tell me who it is so Imma just go with it and act like I don't know it's our ride. Avani and Nick are whispering and no one wants to tell me whats going on. We walk outside and I hear shouts coming from a mini van. "AY YO NICK YOU BITCH WE'RE HERE I TOLD YOU I'D BE ON TIME" I look closer and it's fucking Bryce Hall. I haven't met him in person but I know he's a close friend of Nick's. We start walking over to their ride. "surprise" Nick whispers in my ear. "When you told me you'd bring someone you didn't mention she's hot" I hear Bryce saying while hugging Nick. I start blushing.

Bryce POV:

Nick calls me as soon as he lands going as planned so I leave the house. The boys weren't in the mood to come with so I just went and picked them up by myself. I arrive at the kiss n ride and I see Nick and Avani. I start shouting all kinds of things to get his attention when i notice the girl walking under his arm. She's fucking gorgeous. Nick didn't want to tell me exactly who she was but I knew she'd be staying with us as well. I give Nick a hug and say ¨When you told me you'd bring someone you didn't mention she's hot. I look over to her and see her blushing. I hug Avani and introduce myself to the girl. "Hi I'm Bryce Hall." I say.

Kenzie POV:

THE fucking BRYCE HALL is talking to me. He's so much hotter in person. He introduces himself to me. "Hi I'm Bryce Hall." he says. "I know who you are" I reply. He looks at me kinda concerned so I don't think he got the joke. "Just kidding hi I'm Mackenzie" I say. He reaches out to shake my head and I just start laughing. "If you and I are going to live in the same house, you need to loosen up." I say opening my arms for a hug. I knew it felt right immediately. He was going to be my bestfriend. After our amazing hug we get into the car and I get the aux. I smirk knowing I'll scream the hell outta this car. "I DONT CARE ENOUGH TO MISS YOU AFTER ALL THE SHIT WEVE BEEN THROUGH MY HEARTS COMATOSE COMATOOSSEE" we all start singing along. A little while later we get to THE fucking sway house. I start shaking knowing I'll meet Jaden Hossler and Josh Richards in a bit. Bryce didn't fill the truck so when he opens it he looks at me like I'm crazy. There are 8 suitcases in total: 1 is Avani's, 2 are Nick's and then there are 5 pink suitcases with my name on it. Bryce says "You know we have a mall in LA too right." I reply with "Yeah that's where we're going tomorrow.". "You're crazy" I hear him say while grabbing all of my suitcases. We walk into the house and I can hear that the boys are in the hottub. "Vani, let's get into our bathing suits and surprise the boys. Put your sexiest on cause Anthony's gonna b there." I wink at her. We run to a bathroom and I open my lingerie suitcase. I grab my cutest bikini so I can look hot when I meet them.

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