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A/n: please tell me what you guys want to see in this story or if something makes absolutely no sense cause, you know, I´m kinda stupid.

Kenzie POV:

After we paid for our stuff we meet Nick at chick-fil-a. He's sitting with a fan. Nick's a sweetie. Nick always wants the best for everyone even if that's not the best for him, I'm lucky to have him as my brother. "Waddup hoe" I practically scream so everyone here can hear us. "Kenz, meet zoey. She's a fan of mine." he said. Before I could even say hi she starts screaming: "OH MY GOD IS THAT THE AVANI GREGG¨. "Hi and yes it's her" Avani replies. She starts having a conversation with Zoey until she randomly turned around. "Mackenzie right? Who are you?" she asks. "I'm just a friend of Nick and Avani actually." I reply. Just a little bit longer 'til I can reveal my true identity wich I'm kinda scared about. "Oh I see. You and Nick would be a great couple!" she said. Nick and I just burst out laughing. We took some pictures with the girl and ordered our food. After we ate went back to my place. Nick and I walk in first, we want to surprise our mom with Avani. I come in with my bags full of clothing and I see my mom's watching Tv in the living room. "Hi mom! I bought you a present" I said. My mom starts looking into my bags to look for her present while Avani walks behind her back. "Where is it then you stupid there's nothing in there!" she yelled. Avani lays her hand on my moms shoulder and scares the shit out of her. They hug for a few minutes and then Avani and I got back to my room. Shit it's already 6 pm. "Imma just take a shower you know your way around my room so I'll be back in a sec." I told Avani. As I walk into the bathroom I hear her yelling some things but I couldn't figure out what it was so I just started showering. After a long and hot shower I come out of the bathroom all dressed up 45 minutes later. "We'll have to leave now vani" I said. We got into the car and somehow arrived at exactly 7 pm. We got our table and ordered our food. "Okay so you and Anthony spill everything" I said. "We met over summer. You know I joined the hype house. A lot of tiktokkers and other celebs come over almost every day. He lives in sway. He's friends with nick too. One da-" she said until I stopped her. "HE'S FRIENDS WITH NICK?" I whisper screamed. "He is. When Nick comes over in LA he always sleeps at the sway house. I thought I even heard him say he wanted to go live there" Avani replied. "LIVE THERE??" I was still whisper screaming. Wait hold up, is that where we're going to crash? Is Nick planning on taking me to the sway house? I got all happy until I remembered something. ALL OF THE BOYS IN SWAY ARE HOT. You might think that that's a blessing but it's not. If Nick really is planning on taking me there I need way more cute clothing. I'll have to walk around looking cute every second of the day. ¨I could've heard it wrong yaknow" Vani says. "Yea you probably did you deaf bitch" I said jokingly. She just kept on telling me about Anthony over dinner. After we had a slice of cheesecake we decided to get back to my house.

Avani POV:

Omg what did I do. We were talking about Anthony and then I slipped something about Nick's plan on moving there with Kenzie. It was supposed to be a surprise. The second I said it I saw her face become pale so I said that I probably heard it wrong. We started laughing and I told her about Ant over dinner. I was craving a piece of blueberry cheesecake so I ordered us some. I love Kenzie, but I do know that she will not survive the sway house. She's genuinely sweet but she's beautiful, and she knows it. She has the body of a goddess. She'll be able to wrap all the sway boys around her finger and she will take advantage of that. Luckily I'll be around to give her a reality check every now and then. We chose to go to her house to have a girls night before leaving to LA the next morning.

Kenzie POV:

When we got home we decided to watch The Kissing Booth on Netflix and do face masks. "OH MY GOD" I started screaming. "I FORGOT TO PACK MY BAGS¨. Avani and I both went Marie Kondo mode and started packing everything that gave me "joy". School isn't starting in another 3 weeks but Nick and I thought it'd be a better idea to get used to the city before starting our classes. I packed so many outfits that I needed four suitcases. I had another suitcase filled with makeup and room stuff so we were pretty fucking tired when we were done. We finished our movie and woah. Noah Flynn is what I need right now. I've been single for almost a year now, and I miss having a boyfriend. Avani and i laid down on my bed and we started talking until we fell asleep a few minutes later.

The next morning:

I woke up at 6 and hopped in the shower before Avani woke up. I put on some grey nike sweats and a white croptop. I didn't do my makeup and I put my hair in a messy bun.
I woke up Avani and she got into the shower while I made us all breakfast. I ran upstairs to wake up Nick because his lazy ass forgot to put an alarm. After I made sure he got in the shower I finished making my breakfast and called Avani downstairs to eat with me. We ate our breakfast with a cup of iced coffee so we would have enough energy to wait at the airport. "You finally decided to join us" I said to Nick while he was walking like a zombie towards the dinner table. He just gave me a stink eye and went on to eat his breakfast. "Keep that behaviour up and we won't take you with us on vacation!" I said in my mom voice. We got our bags and after a long 15 minutes of stuffing everything in the car we were finally able to drive to the airport. Avani drove and Nick sat beside her, I sat in the backseat. We turned on our music to get in a good mood and the whole ride to the airport was just jamming on music. As soon as we got into the airport we checked all of our bags in and yaknow, airport stuff. We were 3 hours early so we decided to spend those hours in a starbucks with a venti iced tea each. When we heard our gate opened we ran over there and boarded our plane. We had one row for the three of us so I took the window seat next to Nick, who sat next to Avani. I laid my head on his shoulder.  "You still haven't told me where we're crashing" I whispered. "You'll see" he replied. I fell asleep

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