Chapter 24: The Maze

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(Y/n) walked into the maze and looked around. He saw that there was a path to his left and one to his right.

He chose the path to the left and walked down it, not encountering anything for a while. After a while he came across a strange mist or fog.

He turned around wanting to avoid what the fog that he didn't know, but found that his path was now blocked.

"Well no pain no gain" (Y/n) muttered before running into the fog and coming out the other side, except he was standing in the exact same place.

"Hold On" he picked up a rock and threw it into the fog. He waited a second and then the rock came flying back out fast than it had gone in.

That gave him an idea. He pointed his wand at the fog and said "Reducto" the spell shot out into the fog. (Y/n) quickly moved to the side as his spell came rocketing back out, and blew a hole in the hedge behind him.

He quickly struggled his way through the hole, and watched as it closed behind him. "Alright then let's go left again" he muttered turning to the left, however the hedges rapidly started to close in on themselves as he tried to go that way.

"Well Guess Right works then" he said turning around and strolling down the other path. He walked a bit father down and found what looked like a small pond in his path.

He didn't pay much attention to it and carried on walking through it, when something grabbing his leg.

(Y/n) tripped over and his wand flew from his hand. A kappa had emerged from the water. He kicked the kappa, and made a scramble for his wand. However in his panic the kappa, scratch his leg, causing blood to drip down it.

(Y/n) quickly snatched up his wand, but to his horror he found that his freshly spilt blood had attracted a four red caps, which he now had to deal with in addition to the kappa.

Two of the red caps charged at him, but he threw them back using depulso, thankfully one of them knocked into another red cap.

He turned his attention towards the kappa, he knew he had to find a way to get it to bow. So he started to bow deeply to the kappa, however the last red cap took this opportunity to sink its teeth into (Y/n)'s leg.

(Y/n) let out a cry of pain, and drop kicked the redcap, over the hedge, hearing a muffled thump.

By this time however the three red caps he had already dealt with were getting back up. He stunned one of them, encased one's head in a pumpkin with melofors, and grabbed the third one by its legs, whipped it around above his head, and flung it into the wall of the maze.

He then turned back to the kappa, and bowed deeply to it, and with time the kappa bowed back, and poured the water out of its head.

(Y/n) let out a sigh of relief and sat down for a second. He rolled up his pant leg, and healed the various cuts on it.

After a minute or two, (Y/n) got back on his feet and continued on, luckily or maybe unluckily there was only one path to follow, not diverging.

After a while he heard Cedric shout "What are you doing!" from a nearby path, he then heard Krum say "Crucio" the air was then filled with Cedric's earsplitting screams.

(Y/n) quickly blew a hole in the nearby hedge and climbed through to, pointing his wand at Krum and saying "Expelliarmus"

Krum turned to face (Y/n), but then Harry shouted "stupefy" and Krum fell face forward onto the ground.

"You alright Cedric?" (Y/n) said running over him, taking care to step as hard as he could on Krum's hand.

"Yeah.... I think so. He crept up on me" Cedric said panting as Harry helped him up.

"Bloody git" (Y/n) said.

"He must be under some kind of spell" Harry said. "I don't believe he would've done that!"

"I do" (Y/n) said mostly to himself.

"Should we leave him here?" Cedric asked.

"Yes" (Y/n) said a bit to quickly, and eagerly.

Harry looked at him. "We can't he could get eaten by a skrewt"

"That'd be even better" (Y/n) said. But Harry had already made up his mind, and shot red sparks up into the air.

"Well I'll be heading this way" (Y/n) said pointing back the way he had come "good luck to the both of you"

He then headed back the way he had come, not before kicking Krum hard in the side,hopefully breaking a rib.

He blasted another hole in the hedge and went back to his path. He kept walking for a bit until he came to large clearing.

"Is this it? But where's the cup?" He said aloud.

Suddenly a creature jumped down from one of the hedges.

"What the hell are they playing at!" (Y/n) shouted as he pulled out his wand. Standing in front of him was a giant chimaera.

He knew there was no way that he could take this creature out, his best bet was to try and distract it so he could sneak around it.

He cast his patronus, hoping that like the dragon, Edgar would be able to distract the chimaera as well.

It seemed like it was working so (Y/n) walked around it and made his way across the clearing, unfortunately though, the chimaera quickly lost interest in Edgar, and turned and pounced at (Y/n).

(Y/n) was barley able to dodge out of the way, however the chimaera's teeth caught his leg arm, leaving a large deep cut.

He dodged around the clearing, casting any spell that came to mind, trying to avoid its tail, and teeth, and hooves.

Eventually he was able to run around it and made his way towards the only other exit of the clearing, the path directly across from where he entered.

He ran towards the path, however the chimaera flung one of its hooves at (Y/n) hitting him in the back, hard.

He was flung off the ground and through the small path, and to his relief the chimaera could not follow him. He pushed himself to his feet, pain radiating through his back.

He winced as he put a hand to it. He cast episkey on his back, which helped slightly and slowly made his way along the path.

Every step caused a pang of pain through his back, but he pressed on anyway, knowing he must be close to the end now.

The path finally opened up into another clearing, and (Y/n) swore. "Please not another big creature" but thankfully in front of him was the Triwizard cup.

Harry and Cedric were also there though, and they were argue about who should take the cup. They were arguing although, each one wanted the other to take the cup.

(Y/n) honestly didn't care who won he just wanted this bloody tournament to be over.

Finally after a while Harry said "All of us, we'll take it at once. The three of them walked over to the cup, and on three the all grabbed hold of it at the same time.

Book 4: Harry Potter male reader insertUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum