Chapter 6: Mad eye Moody

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The trip back to Hogwarts went by quicker than usual, and before he knew it (Y/n) was back at Hogwarts, sitting in the Great hall listening to Dumbledore's speech.

"Also this year there will be no inter house quidditch tournament" they was a huge uproar about this, that Dumbledore stopped with a simple wave of his hand.

"This is because this year Hogwarts will have the honor of-" BOOM! A loud clap of thunder sounded, followed closely by a flash of lightning.

Suddenly a man was standing in the entrance of the Great hall. His hand were gnarled, and there was a "clump clump" sounds from what appeared to be a wooden leg.

Must unsettling of all was his magical eye, that spun wildly in its socket. He slowly made his way towards the staff table.

"That's mad eye moody" Ron whispered to them. "Dad says he's mental. Brilliant, but mental"

"Yes yes now as I was saying" Dumbledore continued after Moody sat down at the staff table.

"This year Hogwarts will have the honor of hosting the Tri-Wizard tournament" there was silence for a second before the Hall once more erupted into sound.

This time of joy. "You're joking" Fred called from up the table.

"No no I am assuredly not joking. Although I heard a really good one over the summer about a troll and a- but I get off topic."

He then explained that sometime in October the delegates from the other school, Beauxbaton and Durmstrang would be arriving.

"This is brilliant!" Ron whisper shouted to them "think of it. The eternal glory and all that."

"I don't know" (Y/n) said to him. "I mean I would much like to do it. Seems like too much of a hassle"

Dumbledore then went on the explain that there would be an age restriction to make sure no one got hurt.

The first few days went by quickly and soon Harry, Ron, Hermione and (Y/n) were in their first DADA class with Moody.

"I am Ex auror Alastor Moody. Dumbledore has asked me here to teach you about the realities of the world we li- Find another place to stick your gum Mr Finnigan!" Moody said with his back turned to the class.

"First I will be teach you about the unforgivable curses. Now can anyone say why there are called that?"

"Because they are unforgivable sir" Hermione answered.

"Yes exactly Miss Granger. Now who can give me the name of one. How about you Mr Weasley?"

"Umm well my dad told me about the Imperious curse" Ron said timidly.

"Ah yes gave the ministry a tough time it did. Not sure which people were actually under the curse and who just said it to get out of trouble."

"But what's the point talking about it. Let me show you" he said pulling out three large jars, each with a spider inside of them.

He pulled the spider out of the first jar, pointed his wand and said "Imperio" he then proceeded to make the spider preform different tasks, such as jumping from desk to desk, and performing a backflip.

After he brought the spider back to him and put it back into the jar. "Total control" he muttered.

"I could make this spider do anything, jump out of the window, drown it's self. The Dark lord and his followers used this a lot."

"However it can be fought off, but only by those with real strength of character. Now then another curse."

Neville slowly raised his hand into the air. "There's the Cruciatus curse"

"Yes Longbottom was it?" Moody scoped the spider out of the second jar and placed it on the table.

He pointed his wand at the spider and said "Crucio"

The spider rolled over with its legs twitching in the air. Although it made no noise, (Y/n) could tell it was in immense pain.

"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him!" Next to him Hermione has stood up and shouted at Moody.

"Yeah stop it already or else!" (Y/n) said standing up pulling out his wand.

Moody lifted his wand and the spider stopped writhing, but kept on twitching on the desk. He let out a laugh.

"And what are you going to do boy? Now put that wand away before you get hurt."

(Y/n) sat back down slowly and put his wand away.

"Well then. You're a (L/n) aren't you?" (Y/n) nodded not speaking.

"I know you're dad, he's got some secrets that one. I could tell you things about him that would curl your toes.

"Right then (L/n), give us the last curse."

"The killing curse" (Y/n) said simply. "Avada Kedavra"

"Yes exactly. I thought you'd know." He said turning towards the last jar.

"As you've seen it before" Moody muttered under his breath, so only (Y/n) and Hermione heard it.

(Y/n) tensed up and glared at Moody. "How'd he know?" He thought to himself, he was suddenly brought out of thought as a green light illuminated the classroom.

"Nasty, not pleasant, and there's no way of countering it. No blocking it" He stared at     (Y/n) for a second as he said this.

"Only one person has ever survived it. And he's sitting in this room" everyone turned towards Harry.

After the class had finished Moody dismissed them, but asked Neville to stay back, saying he had something for him.

"He's brilliant isn't? Stark mad, but brilliant. I mean what other teacher would've shown us that." Ron said as they left.

"Ron stop" Hermione told him, patting (Y/n) on the shoulder.

"What happened?" Harry asked him, as him and Ron hadn't heard what Moody said. (Y/n) filled them in on Moody's comment about his mum's death

"Well it was in the prophet wasn't it? He probably just read it there" Ron said brushing it off.

"Yeah I guess, but the way he said it, 'you've seen it before' that wasn't in the prophet. No one knows I was in the room when she died." (Y/n) explained to them.

"Well your dad probably just told him, it's not that big of a deal" Ron said nonchalantly.

"Maybe. But it still feels weird, Dad's told me about Moody before, and he seems different."

"It's probably just age, who knows. I wouldn't worry about it mate" Ron said as they walked into the Great Hall for lunch.

"Guess you're right" (Y/n) said to Ron. Although he could quite shake the feeling that something was off with Moody.

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