Escape Plans And Hangovers

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Now wake up naturally at 5 AM now, and check my phone. no notifications, like always. Next on my boring ass list for today, oh yeah clothes. I get dressed in a green day hoodie and skinny jeans. Next on the list, Hmm... Oh, it would be nice to get drunk today. yeah, that's going to be my plan for today.

"I'm Going out!" I shout grabbing my skateboard. My mom probably didn't even here me, and if she did she didn't care. The summer sun hits my skin when I'm on my way out the door, that's when I see a huge ass moving truck parked in front of the house right by mine. Why should I give a fuck? I shrug it off, it's probably just some married couple in their 50's or some shit. I hop on my skateboard and get on my way to the drug store, not to buy booze, no I'm there to get drunk behind the dumpsters. I'm only 16 so I can't buy alcohol yet, I have a friend who's also 16 but he has a brother that's 21. well, my friend who's 16 is Vic and his brother who I don't remember the name of throws so many parties so there's always a bunch of beers. That makes it a lot easier for Vic to steal booze. Also, from my research the best place to get drunk is behind the dumpsters at the drug store for sure, that or on top of a house, as long as no one falls.

I get behind the store to see Vic beat me here. "Vic! How the fuck did you get here so fast?" I Had texted him to come here with the stuff in the middle of skating here. Vic takes his hand out of his pocket to reveal a pair of shiny keys. "Where did you get the car from?" I asked in disbelief "My uncle got it for me, said he was sick of me taking all of his skateboards." he shrugged "That's awesome!" I high fived him and he lent in a little to whisper even though no one else would hear him anyways, "This means if you ever need to get the hell out of your moms place you got a free ride" He winked and I just sat there. would he really help me ditch this shitty town? He saw my expression, "That is if you ever want to." I shrugged and reached for the nearest beer bottle and sat behind the dumpster.

I sit and drink about six more beers which is about six more than I should have. I have a tiny frame so I can't handle alcohol at all. This was a little too far, even for me. Vic would probably take 20 minutes to get to his place because when he's drunk he takes to many detours. Yea, I really shouldn't let him walk alone. He's dumb as hell when he's drunk, but then again im more dumb- Anyway , we walk to my house together and we sneak upstairs so my mom doesn't hear us. we are like practically brothers so we feel completely comfortable sleeping in boxers and shit by each other. The last thing I remember is collapsing on my bed.


I woke up with a major hang over, obviously. I went to open my blinds, forgetting I'm practically naked, just wearing panties and Vic's t-shirt that I stole. it's too big on me but not big enough to cover my panties. I open the window blinds and I see a teenage boy who looks a bit older than me, with a younger boy standing in the doorway. me and the older boy lock eyes and before I can see his expression I shut the blinds right away.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. I don't even remember what he looks like. I peak my eyes through the blinds, he's still looking at the window, Greeat. I put some pants on and open the window again this time the younger one is gone it's just the oldest putting posters up. I open my window so I get a nice breeze and then I see his windows open, and he's playing music. I don't recognize the song so I just brush it over. Then I realize that motherfucker isn't playing music he's singing! Then I got the worst, yet best idea. I took the biggest piece of paper I had and I grabbed a sharpi, both objects is stole from the art room.


I look at the dude's window again but this time there's a note. our houses are pretty close together so I can read it just fine. "dude is that you singing" I grab a piece of sketch paper and the marker on my counter and write my answer, "yea?" I make a paper air plane and flew it into the open side of his window. it hit is dresser. Gerard no, stop looking into this dudes' room. That's not normal, but in my defense, he looked in mine first. speaking of that boy was wearing panties, how hot is that? wait no! I'm straight now. I hear I giggle from the other room and a new plane makes its way through his window. "What song was that it sounded fucking awesome. -UrBby" I laugh, "UrBby? Really, you got a real name? -Hotstuff?" I through it in his window and he popped his head out, "Yeah. I do, but you can call me anytime" He gave me a wink and little finger guns. before I could answer he got pulled away by some dude who was practically naked.

The other guy, I'll call him bill. Bill yelled at, ill name the first guy tom. Bill yelled at tom about having the window open cause his head hurts and Tom just flipped him off and yelled "IM MAKING WAFFLES COME ON ASSHOLE!" while running out the door. Bill followed tom in his under wear only so tom could sneak back in the room and lock him out. he through another note into my window "I'm making waffles and an awesome hangover cure that tastes like shit stop by if you want some.-UrBby" He winked "Sorry 'UrBby' but I have to go help my brother unpack, but that's a very tempting offer-Hotstuff" I through in his window as he read he hummed, He shot me a big thumbs up and went to open the door for bill.

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