Chapter 16: Invasion!

Start from the beginning


On the beaches


"Alright my team!" I call out

"Let's start taking out some tanks." I say

"3, 2, 1 STRIKE!" I yell with a large orange Flame

"Go find Katara and Sokka. We'll keep throwing rocks at these tanks." Says a man

"On it!" I say

"Dad!" I hear Katara yell

I run to them.

"What happened?" I ask

"He got hit. I'm gonna try to heal him." Says Katara.

"You can do that?" I ask

"Yeah." She says

"Cool." I say

"Dad? How does that feel?" She asks

"A little better." He says

"I have to get back." He says standing up, but falls back down in pain

"You're hurt too badly. You can't fight anymore." Says Katara

"Everyone's counting on me to lead this mission." He says

"Can't you heal him any faster?" Asks Sokka

"I'm doing all that I can." Says Katara

"I'll do it." Says Sokka

"No offense Sokka, but you're not exactly Mr. Healing hands." Says Katara

"No, I'll lead the invasion." He says

"Don't be crazy Sokka." She says

"Maybe I am a little crazy, but the eclipse is about to start and we need to be up that Volcano by the time it does."

"You can do it, I'm proud of you son." He says

"I still think you're crazy, but I'm proud of you too." Says Katara

"Yip yip!" Says Sokka jumping on the bison

I find Aang and Toph.

"Underground secret bunker here we come." Says Aang.

"The heart of the volcano!" Says Toph

"Let's go!" I say


"To get through these series of traps we need to be fast and careful." Says Sokka

Sokka then almost walks into a geyser of lava

"How is that careful?" Aang and I say at the same time

"I was wrong, we have to be fast, careful and lucky." Says Sokka

"There's no floor. It's just lava." Says Sokka

"Hold on." Aang says talking about his glider

I use a series of wire arrows to get through.

Toph uses metal bending to open the door ahead

"I am so glad we added you to our group." Says Sokka

Then we run into Qin

"Fire Lord's chamber is down the hall to the left!" He says out of fear seeing us.

"Thanks!" Says Aang suddenly friendly

"We have 5 minutes til total eclipse starts." I say

Toph forces the door open

Avatar The Last Airbender: Zuko X Reader (DISCONTINUED VERSION) Where stories live. Discover now