Chapter 20 - Unimpressed (Cara's POV)

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When my dad came trudging through the door, I was expecting a tied up demon. Instead, I see a girl no more than fourteen, maybe fifteen. I can't believe that she could be 'the one'. But it's what Deveraux said, and even though he's a demon, I learned to trust him long ago.

"So", I said, moving to stand next to my dad. "This is her? The chosen one. Girl of the prophecy made a hundred years back?"

"Yep, Cara. This is her." He shot me a look. "And why do you have such a hard time believing this?"

"I don't know." And I honestly didn't know. I mean, I wasn't jealous or anything. I just didn't want this little sweet, innocent girl to...

Nope. Never mind. I can't afford to get all soft now.

"Alright", I said. "So we've got her. Now what?"

"We wait."

"For what?"

"Her to wake up."

"Dad, please don't tell me you knocked her out." I gave him a stern look. Sure, I don't know the girl, but I'd feel guilty if my  dad just randomly ambushed her and hit her.

"No, Cara! I used chloroform. I wasn't trying to kill her, I just needed to take her."

"And what did you say?"

"Why do you think I said anything?"

"Dad. You're always saying something..."

"Okay. Before I got to her, she was getting ready to call..."

"Who? Who was she going to call?"


Silence... And then more silence.

It's not like I needed to say anything. I knew exactly who he was talking about. Torin Smith. One of the pretty boys. A guardian - a guardian angel. Or at least that's what they're supposed to be. But these days a lot them sure don't act like it.

Truth be told, the guardians and demon hunters are supposed to get along. We're both fighting for the same cause: keep the demons from endangering humanity.

So why don't we get along?

Apparently they don't approve of our unorthodox methods of killing demons. They think we should talk instead of maim and kill. They believe in running instead of fighting.

And that's exactly why I don't like them. 

But they've got another thing coming if they think that I'll just stay put nd try to 'talk things out', while the demons run rampant all over the world. 

They don't know me, and they sure don't know my dad. 

Me and him - well, I think I speak for every demon hunter that's still out there - we're fighters.

And we never stop fighting.


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