Chapter 9 - A Talk With Vince

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Torin told me the plan, once we were seated in the car.

"Here's what we're gonna do. We'll go to Deveraux's place tomorrow. But for now I need to take you home-"

"No! We just found out what we need to know. I've been waiting for two days. We should go now. It's only-"

"It's only 10:58. I need to take you back home."

Torin started the engine and turned to look at me. His face softened, and he leaned over the armrest to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. My face tingled at his touch. Which was ridiculous, since I most certainly did not like him.

"Alina, I understand that you're worried sick about your mother. I know you are... but... I want you to know that I promised to help you, and I will."

In that moment I saw a look in his eyes that I just couldn't place. An emotion that I just couldn't read.

Then his face hardened again. He put the car in drive, and we made the way back to my house.


As we slowed to a stop in front of my house, I saw a scene which I didn't like. I watched the look of contempt in Torin's face, as he also noticed.

Vince was sitting on the steps of my house, waiting for me.

Oh no. Things were about to get messy.

Torin walked protectively in front of me, as we walked up the path my house.

Vince stood and smirked. We stopped walking a couple feet from where he stood. I watched as Torin stood his ground, in front of me.

Yup, this was definitely uncomfortable. I could feel the tension in the air, as the two boys waited for each other to speak first.

Finally, it was Vince who broke the silence.

"Back from your date with boyfriend, Alina?"

I remained silent. I wasn't going to play Vince's little game.

Torin spoke for me.

"You and I both know that it isn't like that."

"Oh really? Then what's it like?"

"I'm helping her find her mother. She disappeared two days ago. Taken by demons."

"Oh, now I understand", said Vince mockingly. "You're just helping out a friend. That's nice. But for how long? What happens after you find her mother?"

Torin's gaze darkened.

Vince had the last word. Torin and I stepped aside, as Vince sauntered past us and walked down the driveway. We watched him walk away until he disappeared from sight.

"I'm sorry", I said. "This is my fault. If I didn't-"

"This isn't your fault. None of it is. But just know that I'll help you. And just know that..."

Torin trailed off, unsure of how to finish the sentence.

"Goodnight, Alina." He leaned forward and brushed a hand against my cheek.

He turned and walked down the steps towards his car. As he opened the door, I said:

"Wait." Torin turned his attention on me.

"I just want to say thank you. For helping me. For everything. Thank you, Torin."

He smiled at me. One of his real, genuine smiles.

"I know, Alina. I know you do."

And with those last words he got in his car.

He watched me as I unlocked my door and stepped into my house.


So???? Comment and tell what you think. I hope you like romance, because there is a lot more coming. Thank you to anyone and everyone reading my work. I truly appreciate it. :)

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