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The traffic was building up as Leo was heading to the venue. The cars ahead of him stopped, choked by the congestion that's about to start. He adjusted the rear view mirror and saw his eyes' reflection. They were tired and weary, such a far cry from his younger self. The traffic light went green, just in time to avoid the incoming traffic. Just a few blocks away he'll be at the venue, a tad embarrassed because he has changed and out of shape. He grew a few inches after highschool, continued as an athletic scholar to a university, graduated with a business course and lived a basic life after that. He touched his tummy, he thought of all the alcohol he took all these years that created his beer belly. He'll have a beer or two later he thought, but not really, and he smiled naughtily. He was taking care of himself weeks before the reunion. After years of neglect, he tried to exercise, avoid his usual serving of rice, secretly doing skin care. Leo was preparing to meet someone at the event. He started taking care of himself again when he heard Loid would do the speech tonight since he was the class valedictorian. "My Loid" Leo as he honked to the car in front of him.

First year highschool, Leo was this cute tiny kid that everyone adores, energetic, friendly and always helpful to anyone. He was average academically, excelling in some subjects. On their freshmen orientation day, everyone gathered in the school auditorium. There he saw for the first time the timid and enigmatic Loid. As the program progressed, he would spot Loid and admire him from afar. Leo admitted to himself that boy over there was his first high school crush.

The school year started. Leo tried to get information about Loid as much as he can. He learned that he came from a prominent family, always in the best section, always hangs out at the library, studying and not really friendly to everyone. Leo would always sneak at the library just to have a glimpse of Loid's profile. He has no idea how to get close to him until he heard his surname, "Fausto." Leo realized if he studied good enough, there's a possibility he can be his classmate, and possibly his seatmate since every class was arranged alphabetically.

Leo, the freshman, started his plan, studied hard that year, applied to be a basketball varsity, regardless of his height and excelled on it. Time went on and finally his plan worked. Third year highschool, his heart was about to burst when he heard Loid's surname being called and noticed the vacant seat beside him. "Franco" their adviser announced and for Leo, it was the most amazing ten steps of his life as he approached the seat beside Loid. He sat there nervous. He gazed at Loid's eyes for the first time as Loid checked him out. He observed how the light beautifully bounced from Loid's hazel eyes, how it glistens, how beautiful his face was Leo thought. "Hi, I'm Leo, Finally we're classmates!"

They were just seatmates for now. Leo observed how Loid was the timid, quiet one in class, he would always be alone during lunch and hang out at the library after class. He has to break the ice, Leo thought. Then that day came when he mustered enough courage to execute hi idea. That fateful morning during the morning prayer. Everyone's head was bowed down, eyes closed in prayer. He glanced at Loid's beautiful hands, supple and fair. Slowly, he placed his hands above Loid's and for Leo, it was the most amazing feeling that he had. Leo for the first time felt connected to Loid, the only reason why he was in the best section right now. The prayer ended and quickly removed his hand. Loid was looking at him intently and he let go of a smile.

Leo was ecstatic upon going home that day. He was checking his hand that held Loid's that morning, and checked it again and even not wanting to wash it. He was amused at himself for acting giddy and silly, but it was a happy feeling he felt throughout the day. He opened his room, and there he can see his vast collections of basketball merchandise, from posters, to trade cards and even his bed sheets. Leo jumped to his bed, took hold of his basketball shaped pillow and buried his face on it, shouting in happiness.

Marko Loid & Leo: The ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now