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"Did you tell the sultan?" I asked looking up at Olga who smiled brightly at me.

"Of course hatun, I sent a maid to tell him" just as she finished talking the doors burst open and Murad ran in and straight over to me.

"My lion" he muttered looking at the bundle of blankets I held in between my arms. I handed him the bundle feeling pride swell up in my chest as he looked down at our healthy baby boy.

"My Zumurod" he looked at me with a huge smile, I smiled back as the doors opened again and Kösem sultan walked in proudly and over to Murad.

"Allah Allah he looks exactly like you when you were a babe," she said to her son smiling at him.

"How are you hatun?" She asked turning to me.

"I just got better sultana" I smiled at her. I may not like her but I need her on my side to be able to gain power in this place, why do I want power? To protect my son and future children.

"Your name will be Suleiman" I smiled as the baby was placed back in between my arms.

"My Suleiman, welcome to the world my lion" I kissed his forehead as he slowly fell asleep in between my arms.

"May Allah protect him for us," Murad said pulling out a necklace showing it to me.

"This is a Tulip flower, it represents our family and since you gave me a son you're part of the family now," he said before placing the beautiful necklace around my neck clasping it at the back

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"This is a Tulip flower, it represents our family and since you gave me a son you're part of the family now," he said before placing the beautiful necklace around my neck clasping it at the back.

"Thank you, your majesty. It's breathtaking" I smiled brightly at him. The baby between my arms seemed to already want all of the attention he can gain and let out a small whine when he didn't receive it for a moment. I looked down at him bouncing him a little making him settle back down and start to drift off again.

"My lion is already stealing his mother's attention from me," Murad said making me giggle and place a small kiss to his cheek as the doors opened again and his sisters Atike and Gevehran come in.

"May Allah give him a long life," Gevehran said placing a golden brooch on the blue blanket covering the baby. I could read the words "Masha'allah" on it written in Arabic.

"May he lives with both of his parents" Atike sultan said placing a similar brooch just with a different writing on it.

"Should you even be out of bed yet?" Olga asked as I sat down beside the window and looked out at the private garden where I could see Kösem sultan attending to her flowers.

"I've been stuck in that bed for the past week. I need a break" I joked making her giggle a little as the doors opened and a beautiful light brown haired girl walked in with a kind smile.

"Zumurod hatun" she has a small bow to me. Who was she? She didn't look like one of the maids.

"I'm princess Farya" I stood up to greet her with a small smile.

"Welcome princess, please come join me" she took a seat beside me.

"I heard of the birth of the prince and wanted to congratulate you myself," she said pulling a wooden box out of the side of her dress and showed a pair of beautiful earrings.

"Thank you, you didn't have to bring me anything," I said taking the box from her admiring the earrings before handing them to Ferial who went to put them away and bring Suleiman.

"How are you?" She asked kindly leaning back into the couch.

"I'm fine, thank you" I took Suleiman from Ferial and leaned forward to show him to Farya. When she wasn't looking I couldn't help but glare at her knowing already how she's been trying to steal the sultan from me, but never in her wildest dreams will I let go of my lover.

"May God protects him" she was obviously a Christian having said god instead of Allah.

"Thank you" I gave her a stiff nod before she left.

"What a snake" Olga muttered as she took Suleiman and put him in his small crib as one of the new aghas walked in with a letter. His name was Abas and he was obviously very loyal to me just as much as Olga despite being very new here.

"Sultana a guy gave me this for you," he said handing me a letter. I opened it with a raised eyebrow before it changed into a frown.

"Dear Mary-Rose or should I say Zumurod

After a lot of research, I found out that you build yourself a new life in the past year you've been gone. I feel very saddened knowing that you now may love another and just had his babe. I thought we promised each other to always love and cherish each other and only each other. Do you remember the promise we made each other that we would have our first child together and we even had a name for him 'Fares' yet here you are with a child on your own named 'Suleiman'. I won't stop trying to save you from this he'll no matter what my love.

Your beloved Adam"

"For god's sake didn't he understand that I wasn't interested when I didn't answer his first letter," I said angrily ripping the letter to shreds.

"Who hatun?" Olga asked stepping closer to the paper shreds and picked them up

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"Who hatun?" Olga asked stepping closer to the paper shreds and picked them up.

"Adam" I muttered angrily glaring at the papers as she threw them in the fire when she heard his name.

"Don't worry hatun he probably would give up when you keep ignoring him" she reassured. Oh, how wrong she was. I could feel fear build up inside me, he said he would never give up until he saved and I feared the length he would go to. Adam was known as the dare devil on our island even when we were children.

ZUMUROD SULTAN| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now