"Caladhiel behave yourself." Elrond murmured between his teath. "Apologize. Now!"

"No." I defied.

"Don't waste your time with her Lord Elrond." Ganlas said. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." His mouth curved into a wicked grin and he laughed maliciously.

"How can you let him treat me like this!" I cried just as two guards took hold of me and escorted me out of the room.

I was back in my chambers, I'd torn the dress off of me and lay down almost naked in bed. My body was convulsing with strained sobs, my eyes ached and my head throbbed. I was trapped here in Rivendell and I had to pretend to be someone I was not. It was obvious what elves here thought of my people, I knew my life was about to become hell.


I woke up the next morning feeling sick, as if I'd been drinking all night and was now dehydrated. I heard a knock on my door, at first I covered my ears with the soft pillow but seeing that the knocking was becoming louder and more persistent I had to let them in.

"Yes?" I croaked. No one said anything and instead my two ladies walked in looking radiant and freshed faced.

"What happened to you my lady?" Melda asked as she sat next to me on the bed, her eyes scanned the room and they landed on the tarnished silk dress. "We could've helped you take that off." She reprimanded.

"I'm sorry." I muttered not being able to look at her.

With no further conversation the routine from last night was repeated and I was dressed in a much more casual dress; it was made out of soft brown fabric, with no detailing or beading. It was perfect. Also to hide my pale face some rouge was applied to my cheeks and lips.

"If you need undressing call us or you'll be out of gowns by next week." Anira teased. Out of the two she was the friendliest and the one I liked best.

"I'll try." I replied with a half smile.

"You look even lovelier when you smile my lady." Anira's cheeks turned bright red and she added. "Your teacher Landion is waiting for you in the courtyard. Lord Elrond had a harp made for you."

I nodded and made my way down to the courtyard.

It was a sunny winter morning, the waterfalls that surrounded Rivendell sparkled in the sunlight, the trees looked bright and alive and the whole town seemed to bask in the sun's rays. Rivendell was far more lovely during the day and I felt confident that today was going to be better than yesterday. I met up with Landion who was an elderly elf and not as tall as the rest, but he had kind eyes and a charming smile.

"You must be Caladhiel." He said with ease.

"Pleased to meet you." I responded and managed a courtesy.

"Well, do you have any knowledge in music my dear?" He asked.

My lips curved into a shy smile as I replied. "None."

He rolled his eyes but smiled genuinely at me. "Then we have our work cut out for us don't we?"

"I guess so." I replied.

He handed me a beautiful lyre, it was made out of fine wood carved with roses at the side, it was a graceful instrument and I felt eager to play it. Landion taught me the basic chords and a basic song but I was terrible. When he played the harp it sounded right, magical and calming but when I tried it sounded wrong.

We kept at it for a few hours when I noticed a group of She-Elves sitting down a few feet away from us. They were looking in my direction and a few of them had smirks and a mocking expressions on their faces. I tried to ignore their presence but their little giggles started to get on my nerves. I whirled around and walked over to them. This time they looked scared.

"What is your problem?" I half asked half shouted.

The girls looked at one another disarmed, they were weak and petty. I just hoped I wouldn't become like them.

"Mind your own business and leave me alone." I shouted.

"You are not fooling anyone. Everyone knows what happened yesterday night." One of the girls a tall blond elf replied.

"Really? And what about it?" My voice was starting to become angry but this girl was brave and she stood up to face me.

"You are a savage you know that? Throwing wine at one of the most powerful men in Rivendell? How low of you, yet here you are trying to be civilized. Northern filth is not made to be here, go back to where you belong." The smile on her face made me loose my temper and with a swift move of my hand I struck her. "You savage!" She squealed as she tried to strike me back. I grabbed her hand and twisted it making her scream. Tears stained her cheeks and her scream became louder.

"Caladhiel stop it!" I heard Landion shout as he approached us.

I twisted her hand harder and her friends just sat there petrified with fear. As the girl screamed and wiggled out of my grasp I heard a voice that made me let her go and freeze.

"Caladhiel let Randiriel go!" I turned around and faced Elrond's angry eyes. "Come with me now."

I obeyed and followed him inside. He looked composed and poised yet I could tell he was boiling with anger. He stopped and turned around to face me.

"What were you thinking? First Lord Ganlas and then you go after Randiriel? You need to behave." Elrond scolded, his eyes made me recoil and forget my words he didn't sound angry yet his eyes said otherwise.

"Why do you let them treat me like this?" I finally asked.

"You need to forget your kin, your culture. The Northern elves are gone and you need to behave like one of us." He said nothing more and left.

Anger coursed through my veins once more and that day I swore I'd make Elrond's life a living hell.

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