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"You can't run from your problems forever..." a creepy feminine voice says... I know it's Athena... Holy shit... I only realize then that I'm running... In a forest... I'm wearing a wedding dress... It's ripped and muddy... I'm panting heavily, my hair flaps in the wind...

"I'm fast..." I pant out "I'm really fast..." Athena appears in front of me, forcing me to stop running. Her red hair cascades over her shoulders, her lips the color of a rose, her skin is pale... Like she's never been in sunlight before... Her bright green eyes stare at me as she towers over me, she's not taller than me, but I'm leaning back a little. I back away, not letting my eyes off of her.

"You really think I'd be fine with what you did?!" Athena yells at me, her eyes tear up, she growls loudly at me "You ruined my life!" I shake my head.

"You asked to go... I-I just did what you wanted..." Athena let's out a shriek, sending some spit onto me.

"You will pay for what you did, (y/n) (l/n)!!" she pushes me and immediately, I fall into the ocean... It wasn't there before, but now it is... I blink, then notice that the forest isn't there anymore... It's just me and the ocean...

I feel something grab the back of my head, pulling me out of the water. I appear in Rick's bathroom, my head was in the sink, which is filled with water.

"Wha--?!" the person behind me shoves my head back into the water, my whole body tumbles in. My eyes squeeze shut as I breathe heavier than before. I reach to cover my face, but I can't...

I open my eyes and look down, only then noticing that I'm tied up with chains "What the fuck?" I say in frustration. I look around and see that I'm in a dome... No light... No warmth... I shiver after feeling a cold breeze...

"When I was older..." I hear someone sing... Wait... That 'someone' is me... But my lips aren't moving... "I was a sailer... On the open sea..." I get transported to the ocean again, still on my chair and on a piece of floor or something

"And now I'm under water..." the floor disappears, making me fall into the water beneath me... I can't scream for help... I can't get the chains off me... I'm stuck...

"And my skin is paler..." my skin turns white as I sink lower "Than it should ever be..." the chair I'm on hits the sea floor... I feel a little in control now, so I let out a blood curdling scream, squeezing my eyes shut.



I shoot awake in my bed, gasping for air. Tears slide down my cheeks as I blankly stare at the wall. I feel something on my lips, I reach and touch them, only then realize I'm bleeding. I look down at my pillow and it looks like I've been coughing out blood.

My heart races in my chest. I grab my phone off of my bed side cabinet, then call the first person I see. I hold the phone to my ear, it's ringing.

"H-hello?" I hear Rick nervously answer. I freeze in my spot "Um, (y/n)...? Wh(burp)y'd you call...? What's up...?" i cry loudly, not able to hide it "Woah, uh, are yo--" I hang up, then throw my phone at the wall, curling into a ball and cry.

It's been a whole month of avoiding Rick... I hate it, but i can't talk to him... I just can't... I'm all alone even... The kids are by their dad, because he's 'amazing'... God, I hate myself... Why'd I call Rick? He doesn't even care...

(08:45 am)

Rick's P. O. V.

I'm eating breakfast with the family. It's a Saturday, so Morty's free for an adventure without me getting in trouble. Everyone is talking, but I don't feel like it. I'm not in the mood to speak to anyone. I've been sitting in silence since I walked into the dining room. I feel something vibrate against my thigh.

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