She scoffed. "Tony I-I don't even know what to say..."

"Well I'm not really seeking your approval on this..." I mumbled.

She glared daggers at me, and pressed my lips shut.

"Look Pep, you know me. You know all of the times I've told you I was in love. But those never felt like this." I sighed. "Peter is incredible, and he makes me so happy. I do love him."

She stared at me for a few moments. "And what happens if this gets out?"

"Peter is an adult, and is capable of making his own decisions. Honestly, I don't care what happens. As long as he's happy, then that's all I need."

She wore a shocked expression. "I've never seen this from you before, Tones. I'm surprised, that's all. If this is what you want, then I support you." She nodded, sending me a small smile. "Just please, don't hurt him. We are all he has left."

I shook my head, relief flooding my body. "I wouldn't dream of it Pep."

"Good. And as for the Spidey business, Peter is strong. He can handle himself just fine. Besides it's your technology, nothing will go wrong."

I nodded. "I know, I know. I still can't help the nerves."

"I know, so let's get this last meeting over with, and then you can go home and see him."

I took a deep breath, and stood. Pepper hugged me, which always helped to calm me. "Thanks Pep."

"Oh! When you and Rhodey come over for breakfast on Saturday, you'll get to meet Bear." I smiled, thinking about him.

We walked out of the office, and towards the conference room.

"Who is Bear?"

"Oh he's the cutest! You'll love him."

She sighed. "Tony if I get to your house, and there's a baby, I swear..."

I laughed and shook my head as we walked into the room for the last meeting.

• Peter •

I would be lying to say I wasn't excited for tonight. Tony wouldn't be home for a little longer, so Bear and I were in the backyard, playing around with a new tennis ball I had gotten him after school. Happy had taken me to the pet store.

After a while, Bear dropped the ball and darted inside the house. The elevator must've went off, And I can't believe he heard it and I didn't.

I took off after him, seeing Tony laughing on the ground in front of the elevator, with Bear on top of him. My heart warms at the sight, as I join his laughter.

"Bear come on!" I call, catching his attention, and he runs past me and back outside.

"Tony he's not that big yet, why're you on the ground?" I asked still laughing.

"No I'm okay babe, thanks for asking. Oh I didn't need help up either, you know with your super strength and all, I got it don't worry." He sassed, getting up from the floor.

His pouting made me laugh harder, and I decided to be nice and pull him the rest of the way up.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to hide the smile on my face.

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