Masters of Spinjitzu : Your New Family (Part two)

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The next morning was an interesting one to come. Kai and I took a good long look at the training course. Kai narrowed his eyebrows, and shot off as soon as Wu poured his tea.

He jumped over the practice dummy, dodged the other, and got hit by the last. He slid over to the old man, who looked unimpressed.


Kai grunted. It was my turn now. I ran up and did the same moves as Kai.

Jump. Dodge. Duck. Jump. Dodge. Duck. Jump. Dodge. Duck.

As I jumped off the obstacle, Wu applauded. "Well done, but that wasn't the entire course. However, you did complete one obstacle the other couldn't. Congratulations." he smiles.

Kai looks at me. "How did you do it?" I simply say," Jump, dodge, duck." and I walk away.


The next day, Kai had failed yet again. When it was my turn, I did the same thing.

Jump. Dodge. Duck.

Then on to the other obstacle.

I spun around the spinning wheel, and hopped on every moving pole, maintaining my balance. I made my way through the carousel of axes, and jumped over them. I then managed to dodge every one of the slamming poles, and ducked when the flying punching bag came down. I jumped down from the course with ease. Wiping the sweat from my wet forehead. When I landed, Kai had an aghast expression. While Wu was still finishing his tea. When he put his cup down, he looked at me with surprise.

" You've successfully completed the course. I am impressed." he nods and smiles at me," Y/n may rest, while Kai will still train in the morning. Good day." And he closes the door. A few days pass by were Kai still hasn't completed the course.

(A/n : I'm gonna skip Kai's course part because we all already know how it ends and also I'm lazy :p)


(3rd person pov)

As Kai landed,finishing the course, he sat down next to Sensei, proud. "Is that one sugar? Or two." Kai smirks, surprising Wu.

"Heh." the old man replies. "So. Am I gonna learn this Spinjitzu I'm hearing so much about?"

The old man turns his back to the teenager and says,"You already have. Your final test comes tomorrow." and once more, the doors close behind him.

"Huh?" he says. "And my advise, would be to get some sleep." says the voice of Wu from inside the monastery.


Kai heads back to his room to tell Y/n the news. When he gets there, he hears strange shuffling. "Huh? What's that?" he says to himself, preparing for the worst. But then, he hears.....humming?!

"What the what?"

He carefully walks over to the door, and cracks it open a bit, peering in. He doesn't see anything at first, but then he sees Y/n. She had white earbuds in her ears, dancing around. She was humming to the tune. Kai sat down by the door, trying to figure out which song it was. As he was listening to her dance and hum, he found himself walking in . By the time he was inside, Y/n had seen him, and she pulled one bud out.

A Hybrid's Tale (ninjago x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat