7. Cherish You

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/* oh man my updating is wack as hell. Radio silence for a month then two chapters in a day... but when the inspiration comes it comes hard. Idk this book just isn't as popular as Hero Days so I end up writing for Hero Days more often because more people are waiting for updates you know?

Anyways, it's getting spicy ya'll... enjoy!

Edit: guys I have a psa. If someone starts acting like todoroki does in this fic, run for the fricken hills. This is only romantic because it's not real and has no consequences. Your life has consequences, so pic yo men wisely.


The bus ride to the library was painfully awkward. Todoroki tried his best to engage you in some semblance of a conversation, but your stutters, blushing and faltering told him that the incident of the previous day had most definitely driven a spike into your previously easy-going relationship.

And when you tried to speak to him, your cute voice (was it always that sweet?) reminded him of his irrational actions yesterday, and all his words ended up drying upon his tongue.

You were almost thankful when you were able to step off the bus and excuse yourself to work. Todoroki settled himself in the work area as usual, and you went to the children's area to sort books.

In all honesty, your feelings towards the stoic boy were a jumbled mess in your head. Of course you liked Todoroki in a romantic way, after spending so much time talking and being with him, you've developed not just an attraction for him, but a deep appreciation of him as a classmate, study buddy, and friend as well. The problem was that you felt as if you were just so inexperienced and unprepared for a relationship. You had just very recently undergone a big change in your life (complete class transfer), your home life was still shaky, and as much as you liked him, you had only known Todoroki for a couple of months. As a hero in training, you had to be careful about your life choices. Going too fast could negatively impact both your life and his.

Complex math equations swam in front of Todoroki's eyes but his mind was far too distracted to comprehend them. Before long, the worksheet was long forgotten and he was gazing up towards the children's area, waiting for those moments when you would pass between the cracks of the bookshelves, tottering in and out of sight with books piled high in your arms. Why couldn't your work finish faster? Why did he want you to hurry up and come talk to him so badly? Even those small glimpses of your pretty form were enough to cloud his mind. He let out a sigh, tearing his eyes away and focusing back on the paper. This was ridiculous.

. . .

The muffled sound of a chair being pulled up next to him woke Todoroki up.

"Oh no... Todoroki, I'm sorry, I was trying to be quiet." You whispered, freezing your actions.

"Mm... not Shouto?" He asked sleepily, sitting up from his slouched over position and letting the words slip out before he could stop them.

"Ah! Um..." The words caught in your mouth and all the previous shame returned. The expression on his face was unreadable and you couldn't tell if he was teasing you or not. You stood there for a second longer, hand on the back of the chair, before sucking up your embarrassment and sitting down next to him.

Now that he had shaken the sleep off and seen the surprised look on your face, he wanted to take the words back. He had intended to talk to you about it gradually, not just spring the topic onto you like that.

"I can... if you want?" You questioned shyly, hiding behind your hair and fidgeting with the ends. Were you being too bold? Todoroki raised his brows in surprise.

"I think I'd like that." He said hesitantly. "Only if it makes you comfortable though."

"Okay, Shouto then." You paused for a second, before letting out a quiet giggle. "It's a little strange."

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