6. Where From Now?

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/* so it's been a while since i wrote a chapter and i just reread whats already been posted and man this story is my baby. Like Hero Days is my love but Edge of Insanity is my precious child haha. enjoy! */

"...and yesterday I didn't really say what I wanted clearly so to reiterate... I promise that I would never do anything like that. I want to be a hero and I swear I will become one, on my own terms, with my own hard work." You stated firmly, slightly breathless from the long rambling speech you just gave to your classmates.

"And I would never let you guys down like that..." you said, suddenly growing shy as you became more aware of everyone's unblinking gaze. "So please believe me."

You glanced at Uraraka, and she gave you a discrete thumbs up.

"We believe you, (y/n)," Yaoyorozu called out. "Or at least I believe you. If it's your word over a stranger's, I'll definitely trust you."

Murmurs of agreement sounded throughout the classroom and you let out the breath you had been holding.

"Yeah! They don't know that you're the best (y/n)! Whoever said you paid your way here should go to hell!" Kirishima said, clapping his fist into his hand. Louder murmurs started, and you almost started crying from relief. You let out a string of thank yous, before taking your seat. You beamed at your classmates, happy beyond measure that the crisis was finally over.

"Okay, so now that that's done, homeroom is just about over," Aizawa grumbled, not even bothering to sit up from his sleeping bag on the floor. "Just go early. And exit quietly."

. . .

"That was very eloquent, (y/n)!" Iida said enthusiastically, giving you a (mildly painful) congratulatory clap on the back. "Very well worded. I particularly enjoyed the 'jealousy breeds spite' part."

"T-thank you. I'm glad it's done. And I'm sorry for doubting you guys. I was just so out of it..."

"You should be sorry!" Uraraka admonished. "When you ran away yesterday we were so worried!"

"Sorry sorry..." you muttered, embarrassed but still so thankful that you had a group of supportive friends at your side.

"And if anything like that happens again in the future, please let us know immediately!" Midoriya quipped, looking at you with big eyes. You nodded, promising you would and giving him a big smile. It was almost dreamlike, how lucky and loved you suddenly felt.

Midoriya's eyes suddenly widened and he turned away. "Ah! By the way, Iida..."

The conversation diverged from there, and you took the opportunity to take a few bites of lunch. Yesterday was so hectic, it felt good to just hang out with your friends again. Maybe today would go by without a hitch.

"I'm glad to see you're feeling better." Todoroki said quietly into your ear. You jumped from the feeling of his breath and your head snapped up to him before you quickly glanced away with a flush. You hadn't spoken a word to him since that incident in the storage room. You were grateful that he sought you out and comforted you of course, but it was just... awkward now. And despite your best efforts to avoid him earlier today, he managed to slip next to you during lunch.

"I am. Thank you for... being there, Todoroki." you turned redder as you tried to find the words, cursing yourself for getting so flustered.

It wasn't like you meant to pull away from him like that either. It was just staggering to wake up in the lap of someone you admired and respected so much, tangled up in such an embarrassingly intimate way. And because of your reaction, he probably thought you weren't interested in him when that couldn't be further from the truth.

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