"A-ah! Wait! I still haven't found my mommy yet"

While Muichiro opposed completely, he didn't do anything to stop you from accompanying the girl until you two found her mother. He was bored, and he wanted to kill the demon already, but he had no clue where it was in the first place anyway.

"Mommy was around here somewhere..."

The girl went ahead, guiding the way as you two walked behind keeping an eye on her.

"Why are we doing this?" he asked in a whisper.

You leaned to the side, closer to him. "Because it's good to help people. If you help others, good things come to you"

He frowned, playing with the handle of his sheathed nichirin.

"That's stupid. Good and bad things happening are random chance. If you're good, you have the same possibility of, say, getting killed by a demon, as if you had been bad."

Pouting, you shook your head several times. Before you could contradict his statement, however, the cries of a grown woman alerted the both of you. It was coming from an eerie alley. Your hand unconciously tightened on Muichiro's hand, eyes fixated on a light that was getting closer, and closer, and closer. Muichiro distinguished the sound of an uneven breathing and rushed footsteps, but you didn't have that good of a hearing sense to hear them over the loud chattering and music of the cheerful summer festival.


That desperate scream, at least, was something you were able to hear. It came along with the goosebumps that the bizarre shape of a demon gave you. You could make it out from all the darkness around. It was right behind the woman whose terrified eyes were filled to the brim with tears.

"Mommy!" the little girl exclaimed, running to the woman's side.

You quickly reacted, forcefully pulling her back by her yukata's collar, making her fall to the ground. You stepped in front of her defensively, eyes fixated on the demon with pure hatred. It was still hidden in the alley, to not be seen by more people, or so you assumed.

Muichiro took a defensive stance, putting his dominant hand over his katana, unshealthing in an instant. His mint eyes squinted, drawing the demon's shape and where its head was supposed to be. He jumped forward, rotating in the air to gain more strength. His cold blade cut the demon's neck before its hands could pierce through the running woman's chest.

The girl went back up and hugged her mom, crying. The woman was shaking so much that you could feel her dread eating her insides rapidly. You could only stare at them as the mother tried to stand up supporting herself on a wall.

Muichiro landed gracefully on the ground. He blinked slowly, as if he were just arriving to reality from a dream, as he had been too focused on killing the demon to realize the sound of fireworks exploding in the background. They had been doing so for around five minutes, but just then, when the demon was crumbling into ashes, they illuminated the darkness that previously consumed the alley.

The colorful lights illuminated his face, your eyes now focused on it. On the blood that had splashed his cheek, on his empty eyes, on his thoughtful expression as he looked up at the night sky, even though the fireworks were almost impossible to see from that spot.

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