Chapter 15

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I sat up in the familiar library with Naru next to me. An arm resting over his bent knee. He looked at me gently. His position and expression made him that much more sexy. He raised an eyebrow with a little smirk.

"Thanks," He said. My jaw dropped. He was still listening to my thoughts? "You were the one who said I could." I didn't know what to say to that.

"That's cheating!" I called.

"I told you, Mai, I won't listen to anything you don't want me to. If I ever feel any sort of hesitation from you. If ever you don't want me in your mind, I'll sense it. I won't even look."

"I believe you Naru. I did mean what I said though. There's nothing I have to hide from you. It'll take a while to get used to, cause you know, it's a little weird, But just because I get surprised by it, doesn't mean I mind. I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell the others though."

"I promise. And one day, I'll teach you to do it too. You can be weird with me." I smiled.

"I'm already pretty weird." He raised an eyebrow with a smile rested on his face.

"Why do you think that?"

"I work as a ghost hunter, I can move things with my mind and dream of the future. My brother is a ghost and I've got a crush on an egotistical narcissist," I listed. Naru laughed at me. His laugh was so beautiful. He looked at me hearing my thoughts.

"You're right," He said softly. "You are weird." He stood up holding out a hand for me to take. "Come on, let's go." I nodded, taking his hand.

"I'll go get the book," I replied walking off. He followed not too far behind me, after all we were heading back towards the door. Once we met up at the top of the stairs, I watched him straighten his posture. He was back to the fake Naru. At least I was used to this version of him. I looked back at the sanctuary where the real Naru and I could be together.

"Mai," he said before opening the door. I looked at him. "I'm still here. I promise, it's still me. And in the future, we'll work out a better way. It's just for now. And once the case is over, we'll come back here whenever you want." I smiled at him and nodded. And with that, we left.

We sat in the car driving back. I kept thinking about Eugene and what he'd asked of me the first night I met him.

"Hey Naru, how did Eugene die?" I asked. No doubt he'd already been listening to my thoughts. Naru stayed silent for a while, just watching the road he was driving on. "I just mean, he was such a public figure, yet nobody knows what happened to him?" I caught the side of Naru's eyes looking at me.

"He was murdered." I was silent. Naru was even more like me than I thought before. He had been through so much. I wondered why Eugene came to me instead of him. Naru must miss him dearly. At least he'll get to see gene tonight. I wonder if he's excited? Am image of naru jumping up and down in excitement played in my mind. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing at the thought. Naru shook his head keeping his blank stare at the road, but I knew for sure this time that he'd seen what was in my head. That only made it harder to stop myself from laughing. I had calmed down by the time we returned to the house. Lin was waiting in the dining room for us.

"Did you get the book?" He asked. Naru nodded, holding up the book. Lin grabbed it out of his Hands, opening it roughly. I could feel a bit of a cool breeze coming from upstairs. I better go check that the windows are closed. And find Kaori while I'm at it. I started heading up the stairs when I heard Naru's voice.

"Mai." I turned to look at him. His beautiful dark eyes, they made me feel brave and strong. "Be careful." I nodded at him before continuing up the stairs. Travelling from room to room, I checked each of the windows, until I hit the third bedroom. I opened the door, stepping in.

"Mai! Get out of here!" Kaori's voice yelled at me. But before I could react, Noriko was before me, blocking my path to the door. Before anything else, all I could think was I had to save Naru.

"Call that Damn boss of yours up here." She hissed. I smiled sadly.

"Kaori," I said still looking at the woman dressed so neatly. He too appeared next to Noriko. "Lock us in, like you did before."

"Huh!? Are you sure!?" I nodded

"Do it." As I said it, the door disappeared.

"What now?" Noriko laughed. "You can't escape!"

"You're right," I replied with a weak smile. "But neither can you." She seemed to notice that there was a barrier around this room.

"I'm a spirit, I can't be contained by these walls," though she seemed to be trying to convince herself more than me. I looked at the ground.

"On the night Kaori died, my father burnt it down to cover his tracks. The whole house was meant to go to flames, but Irena placed a barrier around the room to contain the fire. Once that door is gone, it's the power of the already dead that keeps us in here."

"So be it! I'll take your essence then force the brat to open the door!" I thought about what Eugene told me. If Noriko was here, she'd be more able than ever to get to Naru. But without someone in the middle, she can't even touch Naru. He's way too powerful. My decision was made.

"Go on then," I coaxed. "I'd like to see you try." With a flick of her wrist, my energy began leaving me rapidly. I feel to my hands and knees. "Get out of here Kaori." I mumbled. And he did. I looked at once of my hands, it was turning into a bright light and fading away from me and into Noriko's hand. With a final breath, the rest of me was gone. I was dead. And as I died, only one thought went through my head.

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