Chapter 14

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Naru hesitated for a moment. It was strange. Naru is normally so confident in all of his actions.

"If it's alright with you Mai, I'd like you to show me the people I've forgotten." He said.

"But how?"

"Well, I'd like to enter your mind and see your memories of them," He said. I looked at him surprised.

"But I don't know how to."

"It's okay. I'll teach you. It'll be the same as in your dreams, it will just be with memories instead of premonitions." I nodded.

"Okay," I replied nervously.

"Mai, I'm not going to look at anything you don't want me to see," He said as he helped me lay down. He took one of my hands and knelt comfortably next to me. "Okay, we'll need to get into a dreamlike state. So shut your eyes. Imagine a blue ball of light in front of you." Naru kept speaking softly, trying to put me in a trance, but all I could do was think about how warm my hand was inside of Naru's. That seemed to be enough though, cause after not long, I found myself on my dream plane. It was shrouded in darkness. All that could be seen was pitch black. At least until Naru appeared in front of me with a bright glow around his figure. I knew he knew it already, but he was so perfect. So handsome.

"Hey, Naru?"


"Why is it that the professor can enter anyone's mind at any time, but for you, it's only when I'm asleep?"

"I can do the same as my father. I could enter your mind through the day just as he tried to do. But Mai, the difference is that I don't believe it to be fair for someone to unwillingly be vulnerable like that. Every memory, every thought, every emotion. It's not fair on them. And I want you to know that I would never abuse my powers on you like that. I will never enter a part of your mind that you don't want me in." I smiled lightly at the boy before me that I felt so strongly for.

"I appreciate that Naru, and although it scares me that people have the ability to just enter my mind and know everything about me, I don't mind if it's you." I turned very red as I spoke, but I still continued to look at him. "I have nothing that I want to hide from you. You never have to ask. Anything that's in here is yours to look at, whenever you want." A gentle look came over Naru's face.

"Thank you Mai," He whispered. Then he took my hand.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded. "Alright. Imagine a really really long hallway with lots of doors." He told me. As I followed his direction, the hallway I had imagined appeared in front of us. "Now imagine that behind every door is every person you've ever met." I imagined each door containing one person each. As I did, name-tags appeared on the doors. "Well done," Naru complimented. Still holding my hand, he guided me down the hall. The first door we stopped at was labelled 'Ayako Matsuzaki.' As we entered the door, the scene of the first time we met played before us. I smiled a little as we watched it.
"What?" Naru asked with a smirk. I giggled a little.

"I just forgot how much of an ego our family had back then," I told him. Naru stiffened.

"Family?" I looked up at him. I went very still. I can't believe I didn't realise it before now.

"You were an... orphan... weren't you?" Naru looked at me with soft eyes and nodded.

"Yeah. Gene and I both." He told me.

"I'm sorry Naru, I didn't realise."

"It's okay Mai. I'm alright." I now understood why he had such difficulties with the concept of family. His only true family was gone. He must feel so alone. I remember I did. Our eyes locked for a long time. I understood why he and I had such a great understanding of each other. Why he tried to keep everyone at a distance. Why he felt the need to help certain people. People like me. I flashed back to a few days ago when Dale blamed me for my brother's death. Naru's reaction. At the time, I couldn't understand why it had made him so upset. It made so much more sense now. He knew exactly how I had felt. Because he had felt it too. For the first time ever, I felt, throughout my entire being, that there was someone who could truly understand me. All of me. I wondered if he felt the same. I met his gaze and he nodded at me.
"I do." He said simply. That's when I remembered that he could see all my thoughts and feel all my emotions. With a heavy blush, I sent towards him the one emotion I wanted him to feel more than anything. My pure and undying and unconditional love for him. I watched his expression change as he felt what I had sent in his direction. With barely a moment to spare, Naru stepped forwards, his hand on my cheek. And he kissed me. Slow and deep and filled with raw emotion. Once we broke apart, his hand stayed on my cheek and my eyes looked up to him. I silently hoped that one day I could experience that in reality, instead of just in a dream. I saw him smile at that.
"Come on, Lets go see the rest." He said, grabbing my hand. We walked through door to door, watching all of my memories of my family in a sped-up timeline. Eventually, we reached 'Dale Tremor.' I paused in front of the door, finding it difficult to go through.
"Remember Mai, I won't look at anything you don't want me to see." I shook my head.

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