The Last Letter

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Note: This is my first work and hasn't been proof read so opinions would matter a lot. Happy Reading.

It has been 8 months since Pragya was thrown out of MM mercilessly by Abhi after dadi's death. He was still angry at Pragya and blamed her for his dadi's death. After a month he had shifted to Delhi so that he doesn't have any memories of Pragya. He had tried to find Pragya's whereabouts so that he could send her the divorce deeds but was unable to do so. No one was aware of her.

It started as a normal day in MM. Disha was in her final month of pregnancy and was being pampered by everyone. Abhi as usual was still angry at everyone except Disha and Purab. He had become more temperamental since the day dadi died. He was easily irritated by everyone and everything and only Purab and Disha kept him sane. It was afternoon and Abhi was returning from his recording when he saw a stranger in his hall and beside him was a stroller inside which is the cutest baby he had ever laid eyes on. The moment Abhi had seen the baby the stranger turned to meet him. He introduced himself as King Singh, an advocate. He was confused as to why was he here.
Abhi: Why are you here? I didn't call you or are you from some recording label?
King: I actually came here both for professional and personal work.
Abhi: So what can I do for you?
King: I have been actually trying to find you from the past one month. I needed your signature on some documents and to deliver a letter to you.
Abhi: What documents and letter from whom?
King:( Ignoring his second question) I require your signature on these documents( says passing him the documents, while Abhi glances at the papers and doesn't read it.)
Abhi: Why do I have to sign on adoption papers. I'm not adopting anyone.
King: These are not for a child you are to adopt these documents state that the child I brought with me will be mine legally and you are the next to kin to her directly and hence I need your signature.
Abhi: May I know how am I related to that child. And if that girl is related to me why should I give her up to you?
King: I know for a fact that you haven't divorced your wife Pragya Mehra yet.
Abhi: Don't take that name in front of me. She is the bane of my existence.
King: Precisely for this reason I need your sign.
Abhi: What are you talking about?
King: I'm here on behalf of Pragya.
An audible gasp in heard in the hall.
Abhi: So you are here on behalf of her. Wait here and let me get the divorce deeds and take them to her and get them signed by her and I'll be free from her.
King: Mr.Mehra there is need for them now.
Abhi: What do you mean?
King: What I mean to say is that you are now legally free to marry someone. Please before asking some more questions just hear me out okay after that you do whatever you want.
Abhi: Okay continue.
King: I was Pragya's classmate in her college and had went to London for further studies. I returned 6 months back to Delhi and was trying to contact her when I found her in a hospital in Delhi. The person I saw was not the person I left behind. She had hollow eyes and had lost the spark it once held. She was a ghost of her former self. She was there for a regular checkup. I was excited to meet her but she didn't even show a single emotion. After pleading her a lot she came to stay with me. She still didn't recover from what had been tormenting her. I had heard her cries during nights but I couldn't comfort her as she had locked everyone out. The condition I found her in was such that I won't even pray it for my enemy. She was 2 months pregnant when I found her. She was in depression and it wasn't good for her but she couldn't come out of her trauma. This eventually caught upto her. She went into early labor 1 month ago. The doctors said they have to deliver the baby prematurely but there are very less chance of both or either of them surviving this. I was broken because I couldn't handle that news. She asked the doctors to not care about her but make sure that her baby is safe. While the doctors were preparing for the operation she wrote a letter addressed to you and asked me to deliver it you personally and also to show her baby it's father's face once even if he rejects her. She had begged me to do that and in the worst case scenario to join her baby in an orphanage. She told me only your name and your old address. I have been trying to find you since then. Now since you have seen your baby can you please sign those adoption papers so that I can leave from here. I have a train to catch to Kashi.
All were stunned hearing that the baby in the stroller was their child but were confused and dreaded the worst when they heard King say about Kashi.
Dasi: Beta why do you have to go to Kashi?
King: For what else Dadi but to immerse Pragya's ashes in the ganges. I have been travelling with her ashes for the past month and now since I found him I have to finish the final rite.
All are stunned to hear that Pragya is dead and no one even got to see her in her final moments. Abhi is even more than guilty as had he not thrown her out she may still have been carrying their child and they could have been happy but he threw not only her but their child also out from his life. And now when he got know about her he can't even reach her. He had spent the last 8 months cursing her and wishing the worst upon her and God had listened to him for the first time and his wishes were granted. Before he can even let out a sob King continues.
King: Since the moment I met her I always wondered what kind of husband threw his pregnant wife out and the only reason I came up with was that you didn't love her or you had vengeance on her. So I know you won't accept Abhigya so please hurry up. I'm getting late. Look if you don't want to read that letter fine by me but please read it before signing those papers. It was her last wish and I couldn't deny her this small happiness in her ending life. If you want I can read it to you.
Purab: Please can you do that. I don't think anyone here can read that letter from my Di.

P.S. I'll upload when I may get 40+ stars or when I finish the next part

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