"Really?!" She asked in shock.

"Yeah baby and now my father wants to take over his place now." He sighed.

"So what's wrong with that?" She shrugged.

"I swear you don't have anything up there." He joked and tapped her forehead.

She frowned, "What?"

"The thing is my dad intentions is dangerous for the werewolves." He hesitated.

"Say an example?" She ushered himself to continue and he chuckled at her curiosity.

"Well, he wants to treat omegas like slaves." She gasped loudly in outrageous.

"How can he do that? That's disgusting."

"Well, that's the point." He scratched his neck nervously.

"I hope you not falling in his plan." She crossed her arms and glared at him

"No, that's fucked up, I won't do that to my omegas since they're like the pack members."

"Good so what are you going to do?" She asked.

"Me, Zach and Klay thought that it will be better to brainwash him but we can't find any trustworthy wizard or witches to help us." He frowned, thinking deeply.

They both stayed silent as they're thinking of a solution, suddenly Mia had an idea that popped inside her brain.

"I have an idea!" She yelled.

"What is it?" He asked as he tilted his head lightly to the other side.

"I can ask Noah to help us brainwash him?"

"No fucking way." He disapproved, there is no way he will let his enemy help them.

"But he's half a wizard and he might know many spells." She reasoned with him.

"I can't do this, you know how much I hate him that I can't support his presence." He cringed.

"Please he's the only one we can trust!" She begged to show off her pouty face, Blaze felt like he was manipulated by her, he tried to avoid her face but every time his thoughts are always filled with her face.

After a moment of silence, he spoke.

"Fine." He sighed.

"Great I will call him later!" She said excitedly and closed her eyes. Blaze watched her, he liked staring like a creep, he didn't care about everyone judgments, he only cares for his mate.

He smiled and rubbed with his fingers her cheek softly, she smiled in satisfaction.

"After the marking part, what should we do?" She mumbled, still her eyes closed.

"You will have your heat and that's when we will fuck." He said using bold words.

"Stop being so bold forward!" He chuckled.

"I can't help it."

"Did you mate with other female wolves?" She asked an idiot question.

"You know the answer, baby." She knew the answer but wanted him to say it out loud, she felt like this was unfair.

"But why did you do that?"

"At first I just wanted to have fun and annoy my father then Victoria came, and I fell in love with her but she broke my heart by leaving me without saying to me." He said and looked at her with guilt.

Mia didn't know what to feel, happiness or sadness, she didn't know her mate before, she only knew him because of his deemed reputation and his girlfriend too. It was going everywhere in America.

"If I was in your place, I would be sad and angry with my mate, I understand you please talk to me baby, I hate when you are being silent." He pleaded but honestly, Mia felt hopeless.

"It's in the past." She whispered.

"Let's just focus on the present." She continued, she felt like it was easy to say those words but she knew really well that it's going to be hard to forget them.

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