He looked at you with his black beady eyes, "Do yew want to?" He asked back.

"I'm asking you if you want to, " you shrugged your shoulders.

"Uh- I don' know, "

"Finish your meal, we'll be jamming music today- to shake off that distraught feeling inside us!" You exclaimed. Jumping off of your seat as you took your finished meal in the sink.

Stuart's smile begins to reflect on his face, you smiled back, beaming towards him.


"Ahh, " you sighed, falling onto the leather couch, you smelled the intoxicating air in the atmosphere. Stuart sat down in front of you, he played with his fingers.

"Uh, aren't you gonna play something?" You asked, sitting up. He nodded and stood up, he grabbed his Casio and put it onto his lap.

Yes, a free concert. Though you did sang with him for the last couple of days and that is much better, but at this moment it felt like a free concert.

He opened his mouth but stopped. "I don' know what to sing, " he stares at you with his oblivion eyes.

You pursed your lips and nodded. "It's okay, then we'll just gonna talk. Have a chit chat." You head back down onto the cold leather couch, face towards the ceiling. Stuart puts down his Casio on the floor and did the same thing as you, his feet sticking out.

"How fa' do yew think Murdoc will hurt meh, Y/n." He asked, didn't take a glimpse of you.

You frowned, swallowing the lump of your throat. "As far as he's able too, Stu." You answered hesitantly. You heard him sighed, his lips trembled in fear.

"...oh, eEeEh." He made these weird noises, indicating that he was indeed afraid. You glance at him.

"Yeah, I couldn't stand it either, the fandom can't. But what can we do? Gawking onto a screen isn't gonna change anything. You guys aren't real, you were made by someone's mind and put it onto a piece of paper, " you sighed sadly.

Both of you fell into a deep silence, "D-do you ever regret coming 'ere?" He asked suddenly, you chuckled painfully- memories came blazing inside your mind.

"No, No, I never regret coming here. This is better." Hurt was evident in your eyes, you swallowed down the growing pain in your chest. "...You might not think it this way but, here I felt safe." You smiled. Glancing at Stuart.

"...weird." He muttered. Of course, for him it is weird, he almost died a couple of times by being with Murdoc. "Did Russel ever come back?" He asked, this time he jerked his head to look at you

Your lips curled, maybe answering one tiny question is okay. "Yeah, he did. Bish bosh. Haha." You chucked awkwardly, come to think of it- He must be back in New York.

Stuart stretched a smile, relieved. "What's the band sounds like without Noodle?" He asked again, this time you were skeptical about answering it. One because it might actually gonna blow your existence away and two, you can't imagine or know what it's like without Noodle.

"Uh...Probably okay?" You replied, unsure.

In your peripheral vision, you saw him nodded. "What do yew do in yewr world, like work or um- play music?" He fully faced you, his head rested on his arm. You looked at him and smirked, "What's with you and Questions?" You sat up, crossed legs.

He chuckled lightly. You're not gonna spit out wild facts anyway so this one's safe. "Well, um, I work at Starbucks. Uh, what else? I play the guitar haha, and um..." You stopped as an image of Cason, your ex, wrapped himself in your mind. You grimaced at the thought. "Yeah, that's it." You smacked your lips and clapped your hands.

Your heart ached once again, remembering that nasty cheating boyfriend of yours was something you can't endure. Before you'll end up crying you quickly shook your head. "What about you! Tell me about yourself, Stuart Pot." You indicated to Stuart, index finger pointing towards him.

"Uh, er- I play the Casio, melodica, and I'm in a band."

"I already know that, " you chuckled.

"I know, I just want to lighten' the mood a lil', " he smiled cheekily, showing his teeth, and the two missing spots.

"And you successfully have done it. Bravo!" You clapped.

Both of you fell into a deep silence again, but then an idea popped inside your mind. "You know what's the same about us, Pot?" You asked, standing up.

"Wot?" He asked, looking at you.

"Being betrayed." You said. "And what's our outlet on that?" You asked again, grabbing Noodle's guitar.

"Uh, cryin',"? He replied, unsure. His eyebrows arched.

"Exactly." You run your fingers on the chords, hitting E minor. You smiled.

"I don' get it, what are yew going t'do?"

"Make a song about it." You responded. "And I found beers here, Hehe, Murdoc's an ass in hiding." As you reached behind a potted plant.

"What do you say?"

He smiled and grabbed his Casio. "Alright, let's make a song."


Murdoc sat quietly on his chair, his face drowning in his palms. He raked his fingers across his glossy hair as he looked back at the item on his table. He sighed again, feeling hopeless about fixing it.

"Darn thing, won't work." He mumbled to himself, he grabbed the opened bottled of beer and drank the last empty ounce of it. "Fuck, I ran out." He muttered and threw it in the bin.

He looked over at Cyborg Noodle who he charges, small sparks came out of her- this is normal whenever she charges her.

He looks away and back to the metallic item in front of him, "right, let's try this one more time, " he said to himself. He took out a wire and pressed the power button.

His eyes beamed with hope as he watched carefully onto the black screen.

And as if luck was on his side, the phone lit up.





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