Chapter 2: The Cycle Boy

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Yes, it is his mother's grave.

His mother died when he was only 6 or 7 years old. His father stays very busy, so he stays alone at home.

He stayed there for some times. When he was about to turn around, I hid behind the tree so that he cannot see me.

He sat on his cycle and started going. After a while he became invisible. I realized that he is quite fast in cycle.

Next day, I woke up late.I got dressed quickly and started running for school. I was damn sure that I will have to keep standing the whole class because its Edward sir's class.

But unfortunately, the class has not started yet. I saw all the students of the class was walking outside the class. I went to the class and sat on my seat. I am a little bit introvert. I don't talk with people that much, I feel shy. I was waiting for my only friend olivia. Yes, she is my only friend. All the students of the class call her psycho olive. I don't know why, maybe she is a little bit childish, that's why.

After a while I saw her coming.

"Hey olive."I said.

She gave me a high five, and said,

"Hey Ayana, do you know his mom called my mom last day. I talked with him yesterday! Oh my god!"

This is the favourite topic of her to discuss. Before this school, olivia used to read in another school where she had a school crush. But she doesn't tell it directly. Rather she tries to express it indirectly.

I looked for Ryan in boys seats. But I couldn't find him. After a while, Mr.Edward sir came to the class. He cleared his throat and started the class. Ryan still didn't come. He is not a student of being absent. He is a special boy,very special. He is not like other boys. Of course he talks like other boys,but there is something special in him.

I have came to this school only before one months,maybe less. We had to shift here because of my father's transfer. I have not seen him being absent in this one month.

After school, I went home and relaxed.

In the afternoon, I went outside for playing. There is a girl who lives next to my house. She is 2 years younger than me. I play with her. But today she didn't come, neither olivia.

I was walking through the foot path. When I reached to the field, I saw some girls are playing badminton. Badminton! In this weather! Maybe they don't follow any weather for playing. I was standing on a corner and watching their game.

After a while, I saw a tall girl, who was playing badminton, was looking towards me. She wanted to say something.

"Hey, why don't you join us?" She said.

I looked behind me. I thought she was calling someone behind me. But no,she was calling me.

"Come and join." The tall girl said.

I walked towards them. The girl offered me a bat to play. I took it and the game started.

We played for some hours. They really appreciated my playing. I last played badminton in last winter. I also got surprised seeing my game.

Suddenly I saw Ryan with his cycle going towards the super shop. Ryan and I live in different places. We live in same city, but the area is different. He comes to our area with his cycle everyday. The first thing he does is, goes to the super shop and buys chewing gum. After that he starts riding cycle together with his friends. Today also he did the same.

He keeps going to the super shop continuously. Olivia always says,

"Does he feel hungry continuously? Why is he always around the shop?!"

Maybe he does. Who knows? Nobody can understand this boy........

[To be continued]

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